  • Pied Piper (Andy Mientus)
  • Hartley Rathaway also known as The Pied Piper is the son of Osgood Rathaway and Rachel Rathaway and Former Member of S.T.A.R. Labs. When he was an employ S.T.A.R. Labs he worked mainly with his Mentor Harrison Wells and acted in the role of Harrison Wells's Protege. During the night of The Event when The Particle Accelerator exploded his hearing was altered and he became a Metahuman angry and blaming Harrison Wells for what happen to him he leaves S.T.A.R. Labs.
Character Name
  • Pied Piper
Real Name
  • Hartley Rathaway
  • Hartley Rathaway also known as The Pied Piper is the son of Osgood Rathaway and Rachel Rathaway and Former Member of S.T.A.R. Labs. When he was an employ S.T.A.R. Labs he worked mainly with his Mentor Harrison Wells and acted in the role of Harrison Wells's Protege. During the night of The Event when The Particle Accelerator exploded his hearing was altered and he became a Metahuman angry and blaming Harrison Wells for what happen to him he leaves S.T.A.R. Labs.
is Portrays of
is Current of
is Former of