  • 100 Ways to Annoy Chad Smith
  • NOTE: Ways to annoy series (c) Jisu Lee. 1. * Tell him Iowa State lost 2. * Tell him Peter beat him at/to something 3. * Tell him to shave 4. * Draw him without any ISU gear on 5. * Destroy ISU or any part of it 6. * Tell him he is not the starting left tackle anymore 7. * Tell him to go play receiver or defensive back 8. * Tell him to go away
  • NOTE: Ways to annoy series (c) Jisu Lee. 1. * Tell him Iowa State lost 2. * Tell him Peter beat him at/to something 3. * Tell him to shave 4. * Draw him without any ISU gear on 5. * Destroy ISU or any part of it 6. * Tell him he is not the starting left tackle anymore 7. * Tell him to go play receiver or defensive back 8. * Tell him to go away