  • Soulseek
  • Soulseek, or "slisk", is an incomplete file-sharing, or P2P ("pee to pee", or "pee-pee to pee-pee") application and broken-link network used mostly to ban other users, and occasionally to exchange incorrectly marked music or other files and viruses at speeds approaching 0.2 bits per second. It also features chat rooms, arranged by music genres as detailed as "Stoat Molesting", where up to 800 users who have each other on ban can sit and lurk, not typing anything but inaccurate xenophobic slurs at anyone who voices an opinion. Soulseek was created by "Napping" Nerd LeBra, a former enemy of Metallica. To avoid litigation, it is run from central servers located on the Moon.
  • Soulseek, or "slisk", is an incomplete file-sharing, or P2P ("pee to pee", or "pee-pee to pee-pee") application and broken-link network used mostly to ban other users, and occasionally to exchange incorrectly marked music or other files and viruses at speeds approaching 0.2 bits per second. It also features chat rooms, arranged by music genres as detailed as "Stoat Molesting", where up to 800 users who have each other on ban can sit and lurk, not typing anything but inaccurate xenophobic slurs at anyone who voices an opinion. Soulseek was created by "Napping" Nerd LeBra, a former enemy of Metallica. To avoid litigation, it is run from central servers located on the Moon.