  • Army/Legends
  • Until the last years of the Empire, an Army was rarely deployed as a single formation on a single planet, but it was designed to operate in concert with a standard Troop Squadron of the Imperial Navy, and deployment of the entire formation together began to be considered as the Rebellion grew in force after the Battle of Yavin. More usually, an Army would deploy subordinate units to specific battlefields or theaters: its primary subdivisions were four Corps, any one of which was considered sufficient to retake a rebellious world.
  • Xim Week: The Despotica
  • Xim Week: The Despotica
  • fans/hyperspace/source/ximweek04/index.html
  • Until the last years of the Empire, an Army was rarely deployed as a single formation on a single planet, but it was designed to operate in concert with a standard Troop Squadron of the Imperial Navy, and deployment of the entire formation together began to be considered as the Rebellion grew in force after the Battle of Yavin. More usually, an Army would deploy subordinate units to specific battlefields or theaters: its primary subdivisions were four Corps, any one of which was considered sufficient to retake a rebellious world.
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