  • Doola Karnt
  • Doola Karnt was a female Phuii born on the planet of Phu. In 40 BBY she was discovered by the Jedi, and was taken to the Jedi Temple on Couracant to learn the ways of the Jedi. In 20 BBY, at the age of 20, she became a Jedi Knight with the help of her Master, Grav Shodder. After Grav's death at the hands of General Grievous on Ioda, Doola was promoted to Jedi Master to take his place. After that, she was then paired up with clone commander CC-1029, or as he was more commonly known as, Res. The two's first mission was to Ootoo IV, to meet with the Ootoo chancellor, Chad Mong-Lo, too discuss the terms of joining the Republic. Doola and Res also served on Krant, where after their star ship crashed down on the planet, they were confronted by the Krantian people who wished for the Jedi and her
  • Doola Karnt was a female Phuii born on the planet of Phu. In 40 BBY she was discovered by the Jedi, and was taken to the Jedi Temple on Couracant to learn the ways of the Jedi. In 20 BBY, at the age of 20, she became a Jedi Knight with the help of her Master, Grav Shodder. After Grav's death at the hands of General Grievous on Ioda, Doola was promoted to Jedi Master to take his place. After that, she was then paired up with clone commander CC-1029, or as he was more commonly known as, Res. The two's first mission was to Ootoo IV, to meet with the Ootoo chancellor, Chad Mong-Lo, too discuss the terms of joining the Republic. Doola and Res also served on Krant, where after their star ship crashed down on the planet, they were confronted by the Krantian people who wished for the Jedi and her troops to rid the Confederacy of Independent Systems off their planet. During the mission however, Order 66 was issued too both Res and another clone trooper nicknamed Topps. Whereas Res started to decline the order, Topps went through with it and attempted to kill Doola. After knocking Res out, she then killed the other clone troopers. Turning back at Res, he explained how he believed that the mission on hand should come first, and that any other orders not having to do with the mission were what he considered invalid. He also spoke of the Jedi plot to destroy the senate. Doola assured Res however, that their was no Jedi plot. Doola the promised Res that she would not kill him if he let her go free. Res agreed, and after she left, he contacted Palpatine, and told him that General Karnt was dead. After Order 66, Doola hid from the new Galactic Empire on the planet of Tatooine, and eventually found shelter with Phuii podracer pilot named Mars Guo, whom she eventually fell in love with. While on Tatooine, they were wed together by a Rodian clergyman named Rohm Mak. During the wedding, Mak noticed Doola's lightsaber hanging from her belt, and concluded that she was a Jedi. A few weeks later, the Rodian turned information on Doola in to the Empire, who in response gave chase to the Phuii. Doola and Mars both eventually found peace on the Mid-Rim planet of Tophi, which was has been untouched by the Empire. While their, Doola gave birth to a son, whom she named Vog. Vog was Force-sensitive, and at his birth sent a force tremor which was picked up by Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith. Vader attacked Tophi in hope of finding the child and bringing him to the Emperor to be trained in the Dark Side of the Force.