  • Cafeteria
  • Cafeteria
  • Cafeteria
  • The Cafeteria is the primary location where PPC agents and staff can get something to eat in Headquarters. It is run by Cafeteria workers in the Department of Operations.
  • The Sam's Synth'd Staples is a default cafeteria in Oasis Landing. It has a bathroom basement.
  • Cheap and edible (if you are hungry). It has a Western Set, CHinese Set, and Japanese Set every day. They all taste pretty Japanese. ALso curry and rice in various sizes. You can stop feeling hungry for 400 yen.
  • (Mid 19th or 20th century) American Spanish cafetería, coffeehouse, from cafetera, coffee maker, from French cafetière, from café, from Ottoman Turkish qahveh
  • The Cafeteria is a location within the Living Quarters of the Phenotrans Facility in Dead Rising 2: Case West. The cafeteria is equipped with several tables and chairs along with condiments and a soda station. The kitchen is accessible through a single door where cooks prepare and make food for employees, which is served through the serving window. Hernando reveals to Chuck and Frank that his friend Lisa has fled to the cafeteria. In the kitchen, the men discover a note left by Lisa stating her new whereabouts, the Security Tower.
  • It is a small cafeteria where Jimmy can pick up lunch trays or plates as weapons. He also can start food fights. The cafeteria gets crowded when it's lunchtime, around 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Random will appear holding lunch trays at that time. Jimmy can also get food from the kitchen although he will only pick apples or bananas. Edna is the only seen there.
  • The cafeterias at the University of The North Pole are particularly frightening, and are best known for distributing meatloaf on Halloween, which most humans (and quite a few non-humans as well) find particularly horrifying. - <b>Professor Jhonen Vasquez on the meatloaf at the <a href="/mediawiki/University_of_The_North_Pole" title="University of The North Pole">University of The North Pole</a></b> - <b>William Spooner, mess officer at <a href="/mediawiki/University_of_The_North_Pole" title="University of The North Pole">UTNP</a>, throbbing eerily</b>
  • A cafeteria is a food service location within a school where students are usually required to go to eat lunch. There is no table service and students go in a line and, depending on the school, either pick whichever food they want that's available or have all types of food already available on their trays.
  • thumb|300px Die Cafeteria des Albert-Einstein Gymnasium in Erfurt ist in Folge 482 zum ersten Mal zu sehen. Hier können sich die Schüler und Lehrer verschiedene Getränke und Speisen kaufen. Die erste bekannte Pächterin, Frau Hesselbach wurde wegen Verkaufs abgelaufener Lebensmittel gekündigt. In Folge 500 wird Margarete Zech die neue Pächterin. Aber als sie in Folge 806 einen Bänderriss erleidet, wird die Cafeteria von den Schülern übernommen. Seit Folge 689 erscheint die Cafeteria im "Orient-Style".
  • Superjail's cafeteria appears to have a direct entrance to the coutyard and is very large. It contains a large staff of burly lunchladies tough enough to control whatever may happen in superjail. Though the food is largley nutritious an occasional prisoner or monster will fall in.
  • The Cafeteria is the lunchroom at Bullworth Academy in Bully.
  • Cafeteria is the name of the local cafeteria found in the middle of Coal-Mining Town. Tomba can bring ingredients to the chef inside to get sandwiches in return. Several secondary events can be activated and cleared here, all of them are related to cooking.
  • The Cafeteria Students go to the cafeteria if they "hang out" together or just want to eat or drink anything. The popular students sit all together. They say what is going on in the cafeteria. The other students are divided into small groups and sit together depending on their interests (music, ...). Only the outsiders such as Matt often sit alone. Adam is trying to flirt with Brandy Mulligan at the cafeteria, but heis rejected by her and her friends make fun of him. Christa sits in the cafeteria alone at a table, in front of her are notebooks and pens. She writes.
  • The Berry Big Circus cafeteria is where the performers eat their meals. Phoenix Wright came here during his investigation into the murder of Russell Berry, the circus's ringmaster. During Wright's investigation, the place was a mess since no one had cleaned up due to the murder. The tables were covered with used dishware and a couple of the stools were lying on the floor. The mess was also partly due to a fight between Max Galactica and Benjamin Woodman over Regina Berry's affections. In particular, a broken bottle lay in the middle of the floor, which Galactica had used to hit Woodman over the head.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Cafeteria/preload editintro=Cafeteria/editintro width=25 Link titleAsunto: Dirección y Cafetería En los últimos meses estamos asistiendo a la puesta en marcha en nuestro centro de trabajo de propuestas 'innovadoras' bajo el supuesto paraguas del comedor. Victimas colaterales, además de los fondos empleados en crearlas, de estas 'genialidades' 2 - El 'sitio' pasa automáticamente a denominarse popularmente como 'zulo'. Como toda segregación, esta tampoco deja indiferentes a los segregados. Se resume en un par de ideas:
Found in
  • 0
  • 0
  • 2
  • Cafeteria
  • Big Top - Cafeteria
  • Sam's Synth'd Staples
  • Sam's Synth'd Staples in Oasis Landing
  • Nautilus
  • inNautilus
  • Berry Big Circus
  • Nautilus
  • Note
  • Broken Bottle
  • Max G. Bust
  • The Cafeteria is the primary location where PPC agents and staff can get something to eat in Headquarters. It is run by Cafeteria workers in the Department of Operations.
  • The Sam's Synth'd Staples is a default cafeteria in Oasis Landing. It has a bathroom basement.
  • Cheap and edible (if you are hungry). It has a Western Set, CHinese Set, and Japanese Set every day. They all taste pretty Japanese. ALso curry and rice in various sizes. You can stop feeling hungry for 400 yen.
  • (Mid 19th or 20th century) American Spanish cafetería, coffeehouse, from cafetera, coffee maker, from French cafetière, from café, from Ottoman Turkish qahveh
  • The Cafeteria is a location within the Living Quarters of the Phenotrans Facility in Dead Rising 2: Case West. The cafeteria is equipped with several tables and chairs along with condiments and a soda station. The kitchen is accessible through a single door where cooks prepare and make food for employees, which is served through the serving window. Hernando reveals to Chuck and Frank that his friend Lisa has fled to the cafeteria. In the kitchen, the men discover a note left by Lisa stating her new whereabouts, the Security Tower.
  • It is a small cafeteria where Jimmy can pick up lunch trays or plates as weapons. He also can start food fights. The cafeteria gets crowded when it's lunchtime, around 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM. Random will appear holding lunch trays at that time. Jimmy can also get food from the kitchen although he will only pick apples or bananas. Edna is the only seen there.
  • The cafeterias at the University of The North Pole are particularly frightening, and are best known for distributing meatloaf on Halloween, which most humans (and quite a few non-humans as well) find particularly horrifying. - <b>Professor Jhonen Vasquez on the meatloaf at the <a href="/mediawiki/University_of_The_North_Pole" title="University of The North Pole">University of The North Pole</a></b> - <b>William Spooner, mess officer at <a href="/mediawiki/University_of_The_North_Pole" title="University of The North Pole">UTNP</a>, throbbing eerily</b>
  • A cafeteria is a food service location within a school where students are usually required to go to eat lunch. There is no table service and students go in a line and, depending on the school, either pick whichever food they want that's available or have all types of food already available on their trays.
  • thumb|300px Die Cafeteria des Albert-Einstein Gymnasium in Erfurt ist in Folge 482 zum ersten Mal zu sehen. Hier können sich die Schüler und Lehrer verschiedene Getränke und Speisen kaufen. Die erste bekannte Pächterin, Frau Hesselbach wurde wegen Verkaufs abgelaufener Lebensmittel gekündigt. In Folge 500 wird Margarete Zech die neue Pächterin. Aber als sie in Folge 806 einen Bänderriss erleidet, wird die Cafeteria von den Schülern übernommen. Seit Folge 689 erscheint die Cafeteria im "Orient-Style".
  • Superjail's cafeteria appears to have a direct entrance to the coutyard and is very large. It contains a large staff of burly lunchladies tough enough to control whatever may happen in superjail. Though the food is largley nutritious an occasional prisoner or monster will fall in.
  • The Cafeteria is the lunchroom at Bullworth Academy in Bully.
  • The Berry Big Circus cafeteria is where the performers eat their meals. Phoenix Wright came here during his investigation into the murder of Russell Berry, the circus's ringmaster. During Wright's investigation, the place was a mess since no one had cleaned up due to the murder. The tables were covered with used dishware and a couple of the stools were lying on the floor. The mess was also partly due to a fight between Max Galactica and Benjamin Woodman over Regina Berry's affections. In particular, a broken bottle lay in the middle of the floor, which Galactica had used to hit Woodman over the head. On the wall was a "Keep Our Cafeteria Clean!" sign, which Wright and Maya Fey felt had not been given much attention. Fey suggested that it be changed to "Clean it or die!", which Wright felt would certainly have a stronger effect. Moe the clown added to the sign so that it read, "Keep Our Cafeteria Clean!?" The clown felt that that might be why the cafeteria was so dirty. There was also a service window to the kitchen with a duty list posted for the staff to take turns cooking. On the day of the murder, Moe was planning on cooking his special "Moe Moo Burgers", which are "beefy burgers filled with laughs and a sauce that tastes like [his] jokes". Wright thought that this meant that they left just as bad of a taste in your mouth as his poor puns. Against the wall was a stand with "MAX" written on it, but nothing on top of it. This was where the bust that Max Galactica had won at the Magician's Grand Prix was displayed. Galactica had intentionally placed it there to show what the others could accomplish with a little ambition, but they mistook it for arrogant bragging. The bust was stolen roughly three days before the murder by the circus monkey and stashed in Acro's Room, where it was later used to kill Russell Berry. Against the adjacent wall was a bulletin board which had a photograph of the bust Galactica had won. It was also where the note Acro left for Regina was posted when the latter did not understand that it was meant for her. This lead to Russell Berry's murder when he found the note and went in his daughter's place, only to be killed accidentally by Acro.
  • Cafeteria is the name of the local cafeteria found in the middle of Coal-Mining Town. Tomba can bring ingredients to the chef inside to get sandwiches in return. Several secondary events can be activated and cleared here, all of them are related to cooking.
  • You can use the box below to create new pages for this mini-wiki. preload=Cafeteria/preload editintro=Cafeteria/editintro width=25 Link titleAsunto: Dirección y Cafetería En los últimos meses estamos asistiendo a la puesta en marcha en nuestro centro de trabajo de propuestas 'innovadoras' bajo el supuesto paraguas del comedor. 1 - Se desplaza el espacio de desayunos para 'solucionar' las filas a la hora de la comida. Resultado: Cada día peor. 2 - Se segrega a las personas que traen comida de su casa ('nueva' sala 230). Resultado: Una sala llamada "Zulo" y siguen aumentando las colas. 3 - Se instalan webcam para poder ver las colas de entrada. Las única iniciativa que funciona, ¿o no?, mas que nada porque no pretendía solucionar nada y cierto es que lo han logrado al 100%, las colas siguen en aumento. Victimas colaterales, además de los fondos empleados en crearlas, de estas 'genialidades' 1 - El Servicio Médico ya no tiene la 'privacidad' ni el espacio que tenía. La máquina de control de la presión queda 'encerrada' fuera de la jornada laboral. El desayuno se hace más incómodo con la consecuencia de que parte del personal sale fuera, menores ingresos para 'nuestro' proveeedor Eurest, mayores para los bares de la zona. 2 - El 'sitio' pasa automáticamente a denominarse popularmente como 'zulo'. Como toda segregación, esta tampoco deja indiferentes a los segregados. 3 - Los trabajadores somos observados, sin ningún motivo que lo justifique suficientemente Se resume en un par de ideas: - La Dirección dice mostrar un gran respeto por las personas y tiene como uno de sus primeros objetivos mantener alta la satisfacción del capital humano de la compañía. Con disposiciones dictatorials como las anteriores, ¿como quieren conseguirlo? ¡ Una pena que no sepan como conseguirlo ! o quizás es que el "taranná" va por un lado, el salir en la foto y sus echos por el otro, como el del OPUS: "A Dios rogando y con la Dirección dando"
  • The Cafeteria Students go to the cafeteria if they "hang out" together or just want to eat or drink anything. The popular students sit all together. They say what is going on in the cafeteria. The other students are divided into small groups and sit together depending on their interests (music, ...). Only the outsiders such as Matt often sit alone. Adam is trying to flirt with Brandy Mulligan at the cafeteria, but heis rejected by her and her friends make fun of him. Christa sits in the cafeteria alone at a table, in front of her are notebooks and pens. She writes.
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