  • Star Wars: Movie Heroes
  • Star Wars: Movie Heroes is an ongoing Star Wars toy line produced by the Hasbro company. Beginning in 2012, with Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, each film in the entire saga will be represented with a new toys, including basic figures, Battle Packs (and other figure multi-packs), Class I fleet vehicles, Class II assault vehicles, and roleplay toys. The action figure line consists of 'repackaged' classic figure from the past and newly-produced figures with oversized 'action' accessories. The Movie Heroes line is intended to include characters from all movies in the Star Wars saga.
  • *Dewback
  • *Padmé Amidala *Jar Jar Binks *Dud Bolt *C-3PO *Chewbacca *CT-4040 *Cutup *Boba Fett *Jango Fett *Flitchee *G8-R3 *Gasgano *General Grievous *Mars Guo *Hardcase *Clegg Holdfast *Lutin Hollis *Qui-Gon Jinn *Obi-Wan Kenobi *Kneesaa a Jari Kintaka *Davish Krail *Darth Maul *Mawhonic *"Mauler" Mithel *Nanta *Ric Olié *Savage Opress *Teemto Pagalies *Jek Tono Porkins *R2-B1 *R2-D2 *R2-N3 *R2-R9 *Sebulba *Darth Sidious *Aurra Sing *Anakin Skywalker *Luke Skywalker *Han Solo *Teebo *Tippet *Tiree *Darth Vader *Yoda
  • *Armor **Mandalorian armor **Phase I clone trooper armor ***Clone training armor **Stormtrooper armor *Blaster **Blaster pistol ***Heavy blaster pistol ****DL-44 heavy blaster pistol *Lightsaber **Darth Maul's lightsaber **Darth Vader's lightsaber **Qui-Gon Jinn's lightsaber *Darth Vader's mask
  • *Battle of Grassy Plains *Battle of Mon Cala *Blockade of Naboo *Boonta Eve Classic *Emergence of the Sith *Clone Wars **Geonosis Arena battle *The Rise of Darth Vader
  • *Baldric *Cloning *Corellian Bloodstripe *Fire *Podracing **Podracer
  • *Attack Recon Fighter *Anakin Skywalker's Delta-7B Aethersprite-class light interceptor *Anakin Skywalker's Podracer *Armored Assault Tank *BARC speeder *Bloodfin *Naboo Royal Fighter *Republic Assault Submarine *Republic Attack Dropship *Sebulba's Podracer *STAP *Scimitar
  • *Dathomirian Zabrak *Dug *Ewok *Geonosian *Gran *Gungan *Human *Kaleesh *Near-Human *Nosaurian *Phuii *Tusken Raider *Troiken *Veknoid *Vulptereen *Wookiee *Yoda's species
  • *Alliance to Restore the Republic *Galactic Empire **Sandtrooper *Galactic Republic **Bomb Squad Trooper **Clone trooper pilot **Clone trooper **Clone SCUBA trooper **Shock trooper *Gungan Grand Army **Gungan Warrior *Jedi Order *Mandalorians *Nightsisters *Royal Naboo Security Forces **Naboo Pilot *Sith Order *Confederacy of Independent Systems **Trade Federation
  • *3PO-series protocol droid *Aqua droid *B1 battle droid *Droideka *Pit droid *R2-series astromech droid *R5-series astromech droid *Super Battle Droid
  • *Endor **Bright Tree Village *Naboo **Battlefield of Naboo *Tatooine **Mos Espa Grand Arena *Geonosis **Petranaki arena
  • Star Wars: Movie Heroes is an ongoing Star Wars toy line produced by the Hasbro company. Beginning in 2012, with Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, each film in the entire saga will be represented with a new toys, including basic figures, Battle Packs (and other figure multi-packs), Class I fleet vehicles, Class II assault vehicles, and roleplay toys. The action figure line consists of 'repackaged' classic figure from the past and newly-produced figures with oversized 'action' accessories. The Movie Heroes line is intended to include characters from all movies in the Star Wars saga.