  • Skeletor
  • Skeletor
  • Skeletor
  • Classification- Rogue Criminal Birthdate- June 24 Age- 53 (deceased) Gender- Male Partner- Cybrax Affiliation- Blood Village Previous affiliation(s)- The Unknown Organization
  • Skeletor (born Simon Keldor, 1955-2005; 2008-present) was an American actor who enjoyed brief success in his eponymous role in the Masters of the Universe cartoon in the 1980s. Skeletor is also known for his theatre and off-Broadway acting roles, as a political activist, and as a prominent jazz critic.
  • Skeletor on Kiven Toa.
  • Skeletor is the main villain of He-Man. He is the arch enemy of He-Man. Skeletor wants to get a rid of every homosexual that exit, especially He-Man the most powerful Homosexual in the universe.
  • Skeletor is the most evil being and most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, whereby he could become master of the universe. This places him in direct conflict with the only man powerful enough to stop him, He-Man.
  • Skeletor was a pharmacist in the make-believe land of New Orleans. He was recently arrested for the poison and rape of He-Man and his cat.
  • Skeletor is the main antagonist of the media franchise, Masters of The Universe. He is He-Man's archenemy. Skeletor is called the "Evil Lord of Destruction", and his threat is to rule all of Eternia. Skeletor is a former pupil of Hordak, leader of The Evil Horde. When Hordak and his Horde invaded Eternia and stormed the palace, Hordak broke in and kidnapped one of the King and Queen's twin babies. Man-At-Arms and the Royal Guard captured Hordak's apprentice Skeletor and forced him to divulge the whereabouts of his master. Hordak had retreated to his base of operations Snake Mountain.
  • Skeletor is a villainous sorcerer hailing from the extra-dimensional location known as Infinita. A sinister humanoid figure with blue skin and usually dressed in a hooded attire, he earns his name from his bare-bone face which resembles an animate Human skull. He is also a former member of the powerful multi-species affiliation known as The Evil Horde, but left the organization after betraying his master Hordak in a mission to kidnap Princess Adora of Eternia. After that, Skeletor has remained on that planet and assembled his own group of loyal and not-so-loyal followers to attempt to conquer Castle Grayskull and the secrets to infinite power source it possesses for being located in the exact center of the universe. However, his plans have over and over again been foiled by He-Man and his
  • <default>Skeletor</default> AKA HomeworldUnknown SpeciesUnknown GenderUnknown Hair colorUnknown EraPresent Affiliation Abilities Played by Skeletor is the most evil being and most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, whereby he could become master of the universe. This places him in direct conflict with the only man powerful enough to stop him, He-Man.
  • Jacques Marie Onésime Hector, dit Skeletor (1802-1985). Comédien franc-comtois, passé à la postérité pour sa composition dans les "Maîtres du Pain de l'univers", une saga familiale boulangère aux proportions épiques (cf épisode 432," L'affaire de la mie du Titan et le quignon rassis des ronds-de-cuirs"). Ce que le monde a retenu de Skeletor, ce qui a assuré son succès au delà de la mort, c'est sa maigreur maladive, qui fut à l'origine de nombreuses moqueries, et ce dès son plus jeune âge. Inutile de chargerla mule, donc, d'autant qu'elle est particulièrement maigrichonne.
  • Present
toa elementti
toa ryhmä
toa välineet
  • Miekka
  • 2006-02-18
toa arvonimi
toa naamio
  • Jalo Ruru
toa tilanne
  • Elossa
FG color
  • yellow
  • 1346
  • 1
  • 168.0
  • 1386
toa kuva
  • 2011-01-11
  • Misc
Box Title
  • Skeletor
  • Evil Warriors
  • The Horde
  • White Cock 03
  • Masters of the Universe
  • Active
  • 97
  • None
  • 77
  • Skeletor
  • Breakcore
  • Ambitious, arrogant
  • Artwork from Masters of the Universe
  • Lord of destruction!
  • Magic
  • Powerful evil magic
  • Straight
  • link broken
  • 250
  • Keldor
  • Gar
  • Zombie
  • Infinitan; Eternian; Gar
  • Frank Langella
  • Alan Oppenheimer
  • Brian Dobson
  • Campbell Lane
  • Masters of the Universe
BG Color
  • gold
  • Male
  • Infinita
  • Kain The Supreme
  • Classification- Rogue Criminal Birthdate- June 24 Age- 53 (deceased) Gender- Male Partner- Cybrax Affiliation- Blood Village Previous affiliation(s)- The Unknown Organization
  • Skeletor (born Simon Keldor, 1955-2005; 2008-present) was an American actor who enjoyed brief success in his eponymous role in the Masters of the Universe cartoon in the 1980s. Skeletor is also known for his theatre and off-Broadway acting roles, as a political activist, and as a prominent jazz critic.
  • Skeletor on Kiven Toa.
  • Skeletor is a villainous sorcerer hailing from the extra-dimensional location known as Infinita. A sinister humanoid figure with blue skin and usually dressed in a hooded attire, he earns his name from his bare-bone face which resembles an animate Human skull. He is also a former member of the powerful multi-species affiliation known as The Evil Horde, but left the organization after betraying his master Hordak in a mission to kidnap Princess Adora of Eternia. After that, Skeletor has remained on that planet and assembled his own group of loyal and not-so-loyal followers to attempt to conquer Castle Grayskull and the secrets to infinite power source it possesses for being located in the exact center of the universe. However, his plans have over and over again been foiled by He-Man and his friends. Skeletor is the tyrannical ruler of the dark side of Eternia, operating from his lair on Snake Mountain. He prides in his evilness and his perceived astuteness, and is usually ambitious but optimistic about his plans. He shows little tolerance towards failure and incompetence and usually gets mad at his minions when something goes wrong. He has mastery over magical powers which he learned from Hordak, and often carries around a magical weapon known as the Havoc Staff. Besides his advanced magic, he has also been depicted with technological knowledge to build various machines and contraptions; and is skilled at physical combat as well. He also has a purple felinoid pet named Panthor. Skeletor's origins have been depicted differently in the various incarnations of the franchise. In the continuity of the 2002 series, it is shown that he used to be an evil Gar warrior named Keldor who lost his face in an accident when he attempted to attack Randor with acid; only to have the acid splash on the king's shield and hit Keldor instead. However, nearly all other sources, including the original series, simply have him coming from another dimension (Infinita) and the skull is just the natural look of his face. This is especially visible in the live action movie, in which it is clear that he is simply an alien whose face resembles a skull, rather than having an actual skull for a face. In the comics which follow the continuity of the original Filmation series, it has been implied that Skeletor was originally Keldor, King Randor's half-brother sorcerer who was of Gar ascendance (hence his blue skin) and gained his skeletal appearance as a result of being transported to Infinita, although the details are unclear.
  • Skeletor is the main antagonist of the media franchise, Masters of The Universe. He is He-Man's archenemy. Skeletor is called the "Evil Lord of Destruction", and his threat is to rule all of Eternia. Skeletor is a former pupil of Hordak, leader of The Evil Horde. When Hordak and his Horde invaded Eternia and stormed the palace, Hordak broke in and kidnapped one of the King and Queen's twin babies. Man-At-Arms and the Royal Guard captured Hordak's apprentice Skeletor and forced him to divulge the whereabouts of his master. Hordak had retreated to his base of operations Snake Mountain. When cornered, Hordak opened up a random dimensional portal (later revealed to have led to Etheria) and leaped through with the baby Princess Adora still in his possession. Skeletor remained on Eternia and raised an army of powerful minions of his own and took over as ruler of Snake Mountain. Skeletor's main goal is to conquer the mysterious fortress of Castle Grayskull, from which He-Man draws his powers. If he succeeds, Skeletor would be able to conquer not only Eternia, but the whole universe.
  • Jacques Marie Onésime Hector, dit Skeletor (1802-1985). Comédien franc-comtois, passé à la postérité pour sa composition dans les "Maîtres du Pain de l'univers", une saga familiale boulangère aux proportions épiques (cf épisode 432," L'affaire de la mie du Titan et le quignon rassis des ronds-de-cuirs"). Ce que le monde a retenu de Skeletor, ce qui a assuré son succès au delà de la mort, c'est sa maigreur maladive, qui fut à l'origine de nombreuses moqueries, et ce dès son plus jeune âge. Inutile de chargerla mule, donc, d'autant qu'elle est particulièrement maigrichonne. Ce que l'on sait moins, en revanche, et que la tradition encyclopédique d'extrême-centre a choisi sciemment d'ignorer, c'est que Skeletor était le frère de lait de Victor Hugo.Elevés ensemble, ayant tété le lait nourricier à la même mamelle avec le résultat qu'on sait, les deux hommes n'eurent pourtant pas le même destin. Et pour cause, ils étaient très différents. Le temps de la gloire révolu, Skeletor traina ses minuscules guêtres maigrichonnes dans les milieux arty du proto-swinging London des années 1860 (voir menuetting-London). Son influence sur les orchestres de musique populaire fur telle qu'une chanson des Scarabéz porta son nom, rendant justice à la fois à sa famille et acceptant l'héritage populaire de son rôle dans la saga, son personnage le plus connu : le cylindre "Hector Skeletor". Bien entendu, ce cylindre fut un papier-carton.
  • Skeletor is the main villain of He-Man. He is the arch enemy of He-Man. Skeletor wants to get a rid of every homosexual that exit, especially He-Man the most powerful Homosexual in the universe.
  • Skeletor is the most evil being and most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, whereby he could become master of the universe. This places him in direct conflict with the only man powerful enough to stop him, He-Man.
  • <default>Skeletor</default> AKA HomeworldUnknown SpeciesUnknown GenderUnknown Hair colorUnknown EraPresent Affiliation Abilities Played by Skeletor is the most evil being and most dangerous threat on Eternia. His only goal is power, and to that end he will not rest until he possesses the secrets of Castle Grayskull, whereby he could become master of the universe. This places him in direct conflict with the only man powerful enough to stop him, He-Man. The character was initially presented simply as an evil demon from another dimension, and in general his origins were not as important as his evil motives. However, the introduction of Hordak as Skeletor's former teacher provided a brief glimpse into a past. Near the end of the original Masters of the Universe franchise, it was hinted that Skeletor might have once been Keldor, the brother of He-Man's father, King Randor. The development of Skeletor's backstory as a dashing, ambitious villain played heavily into his characterization in the 2002 relaunch of the franchise. Skeletor was one of only a handful of characters that carried over to The New Adventures of He-Man brand, which sent He-Man to the far future to help the Galactic Guardians save the last of humanity from the Evil Mutants. Skeletor follows his enemy, and offers his services to the Mutants simply because he must rid the universe of He-Man.
  • Skeletor was a pharmacist in the make-believe land of New Orleans. He was recently arrested for the poison and rape of He-Man and his cat.