  • Processing
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • The following is a compilation of various processing technological advancements to be made in the near future. They are by no means complete, but they do offer some of the more tangible aspects of computer-related development and show various trends.
  • Processing is
  • 32- and 64-bit processing refers to the number of bits used to represent computation instructions in a CPU, as well as the number of bits used to represent memory locations in RAM. It has nothing to do with the color depth of an image. Since at least Photoshop 4.0, the program has been written as a 32-bit application. When 64-bit computing became more mainstream, Adobe started making 64-bit versions of their software.
  • This Occupation has been listed in two different Departments on IMDb. Since there are hundreds of Occupations that are listed in one or more Departments, the editors of this Wikia have not gotten around them all. You can help by finding out what Departments already link to this Occupations and putting them here. There's already a form you can fill out when you edit this page. Thank you.
  • The following is a compilation of various processing technological advancements to be made in the near future. They are by no means complete, but they do offer some of the more tangible aspects of computer-related development and show various trends.
  • Processing is
  • 32- and 64-bit processing refers to the number of bits used to represent computation instructions in a CPU, as well as the number of bits used to represent memory locations in RAM. It has nothing to do with the color depth of an image. Since at least Photoshop 4.0, the program has been written as a 32-bit application. When 64-bit computing became more mainstream, Adobe started making 64-bit versions of their software. 64-bit processors and software can work more efficiently with complex data like high-resolution images and large files. Since at least Photoshop CS5, most of the features have 64-bit versions so that the program can take advantage of the extra processing power. A few plug-ins and filters remain in 32-bit mode, and cannot be used in 64-bit mode.