  • Heitz Werber
  • In 1989, Heitz Werber worked very closely with an FBI Agent named Fox Mulder, who he guided through deep hypnotic regression. Mulder was apparently able to recall the night in 1973 when his sister, Samantha, had disappeared from their family home of 2790 Vine Street, Chilmark, Massachusetts. (TXF: "Pilot", "Conduit")
  • In 1989, Heitz Werber worked very closely with an FBI Agent named Fox Mulder, who he guided through deep hypnotic regression. Mulder was apparently able to recall the night in 1973 when his sister, Samantha, had disappeared from their family home of 2790 Vine Street, Chilmark, Massachusetts. (TXF: "Pilot", "Conduit") On June 16, 1989, Heitz Werber made a video recording of a session with Agent Mulder. Although Doctor Werber's voice was recorded, he did not make an appearance himself. At the start of the session, Werber counted backwards, from 100 to 96, while Mulder fell into a deep, relaxed state of consciousness. He apparently recalled being at home with his sister, playing a game. He did not feel in any danger while he remembered that, although he and his sister had been arguing, they were only fooling around. However, his fear soon escalated and he began to call out his sister's name, while still hypnotised. (TXF: "Closure") On June 18 of that year, Heitz Werber made an audio recording of Mulder undergoing hypnosis. He supposedly remembered being paralyzed with his eyes open, but unable to see his sister. However, Mulder also apparently recalled that he had been able to hear his sister while she had repeatedly called out his name. When Heitz Werber asked him if he was scared, Mulder replied that he knew he should be, but wasn't. Doctor Werber then concentrated his questions on a voice that Mulder claimed to hear in his head, telling him not to be afraid, that his sister would not be harmed and that she would someday be returned. (TXF: "Conduit")