  • Explorer Vest/Tactical Vest
  • The Explorer Vest (manufactured by UniHo) is designed to help characters tote about their various pieces of gear. It is built of rugged material (though it offers no damage protection) and is water resistant. A character wearing an explorer vest can treat his Strength score as if it were 5 points higher when determining encumbrance effects. This effectively allows 5 more kilograms of gear to be worn without affecting movement. An explorer vest costs a mere 50 credits.
  • The Explorer Vest (manufactured by UniHo) is designed to help characters tote about their various pieces of gear. It is built of rugged material (though it offers no damage protection) and is water resistant. A character wearing an explorer vest can treat his Strength score as if it were 5 points higher when determining encumbrance effects. This effectively allows 5 more kilograms of gear to be worn without affecting movement. An explorer vest itself has a negligible weight (its mass is quite evenly distributed, though when stored it is considered to weigh 0.5kg), and can be ordered in white, black, khaki, and grey. It can be adjusted to accommodate any of the four core Frontier races (even a Yazirian's wings). An explorer vest costs a mere 50 credits.