  • Isa ibn Musa
  • 'Isa ibn Musa ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdallah ibn al-Abbas (died 783/4) was a nephew of the first two Abbassid Caliphs, as-Saffah (r. 750–754) and al-Mansur (r. 754–775), and for a long time heir-apparent of the Caliphate, until he was superseded by al-Mansur's son al-Mahdi (r. 775–785). Nevertheless, in 764/5 he was pressured into ceding his place in the succession to al-Mansur's son, al-Mahdi, and again in 776, when al-Mahdi forced him to renounce his succession in favour of al-Mahdi's son Musa al-Hadi (r. 785–786).
  • 'Isa ibn Musa ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn Abdallah ibn al-Abbas (died 783/4) was a nephew of the first two Abbassid Caliphs, as-Saffah (r. 750–754) and al-Mansur (r. 754–775), and for a long time heir-apparent of the Caliphate, until he was superseded by al-Mansur's son al-Mahdi (r. 775–785). Under as-Saffah, he was appointed governor of Kufa, the first Abbasid capital. As-Saffah named him second heir after his brother Abu Ja'far (the future al-Mansur). When as-Saffah died, it fell to Isa to proclaim Abu Ja'far, who was in Mecca at the time, as Caliph. Under al-Mansur, he remained on his post as governor of Kufa, took actively part in the planning of the new Abbasid capital, Baghdad, built the Al-Ukhaidir Fortress and suppressed Alid revolts under the brothers Muhammad al-Nafs al-Zakiyya and Ibrahim ibn Abdallah. Nevertheless, in 764/5 he was pressured into ceding his place in the succession to al-Mansur's son, al-Mahdi, and again in 776, when al-Mahdi forced him to renounce his succession in favour of al-Mahdi's son Musa al-Hadi (r. 785–786).
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