  • Wa-Team
  • The 9th Dimension was always filled with anarchy and chaos, and has never had a stable government. Most of the people lived in constant fear and chaos, and those who attempted to establish a firm government were mysteriously incinerated. This continued until, one day, Wario and Waluigi tried their hand at the whole "world domination" thing. Not only were they not incinerated, but they managed to discover the source of all this incineration in the first place. It had been the work of WaPo all along; she had been waiting for somebody powerful and evil enough to rule at her side. WaPo had been Wario's creation, but she had proven defective and fled to parts unknown, only to be rediscovered now. After finding out about WaPo's intentions, Wario objected, declaring himself the leader of the Wa-T
  • The 9th Dimension was always filled with anarchy and chaos, and has never had a stable government. Most of the people lived in constant fear and chaos, and those who attempted to establish a firm government were mysteriously incinerated. This continued until, one day, Wario and Waluigi tried their hand at the whole "world domination" thing. Not only were they not incinerated, but they managed to discover the source of all this incineration in the first place. It had been the work of WaPo all along; she had been waiting for somebody powerful and evil enough to rule at her side. WaPo had been Wario's creation, but she had proven defective and fled to parts unknown, only to be rediscovered now. After finding out about WaPo's intentions, Wario objected, declaring himself the leader of the Wa-Team. WaPo was unable to resist, fearing to even approach Wario because of his frightful body odor. Thus, Wario became the ruler of the Wa-Team, and a new government appeared in the 9th Dimension. Seeing the power of the Wa-Team, many other people also tried to come into power. Some tried to do this by force, but they were obliterated by either Wario or WaPo, never to be mentioned or heard from again. Others, however, tried to reason with the WaTeam by joining them. The Wa-Team only wanted to accept Wa-guys, so ordinary guys were either turned away, killed, or both. One Wa-guy, however, stood out among all the others. His name was WaTom, and his motivation for wanton destruction was his hatred of chocolate. Wario was impressed by his evil and by the fact that he had repeatedly destroyed Bikini Bottom single-handedly. WaTom was accepted on the Wa-Team, on the one condition that he never stop being evil. Thus, he never did. About a year later, Wario kidnapped Daisy and placed her in the Wa-Machine. This caused the creation of WaDaisy, who was as powerful and crazy as anyone else on the Wa-Team. Wario would later try the same trick with Peach, but WaPeach did not turn out to be sufficiently powerful. WaPeach also suffered from extreme jealousy of WaDaisy, so she was exiled.