  • Uncyclopedia:Shoe puppetry
  • The name "shoe puppet" comes from the fact that detectives trying to solve a crime look at shoe prints, and if the same prints are found at different crime scenes, they know the crimes are committed by the same suspect. But if the suspect changes shoes before committing each crime, he may be harder to trace. The best shoe puppeteer of all time was Imelda Marcos. The greatest victim was George Dubya Bush.
  • The name "shoe puppet" comes from the fact that detectives trying to solve a crime look at shoe prints, and if the same prints are found at different crime scenes, they know the crimes are committed by the same suspect. But if the suspect changes shoes before committing each crime, he may be harder to trace. The best shoe puppeteer of all time was Imelda Marcos. The greatest victim was George Dubya Bush.