  • Galuna Island arc
  • The Galuna Island arc is the fourth story arc of Fairy Tail. This arc includes Natsu and Happy wanting to go on an S-Class Mission, which is forbidden for Mages not of S-Class. He steals an S-Class request without permission, and drags Lucy and Gray along with him. Upon arriving on the island and being faced with a request more difficult than they initially thought, they discover another event that requires their attention: the resurrection of the Demon Deliora by an old friend of Gray's: Lyon Vastia.
  • Galuna Island arc
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  • The Galuna Island arc is the fourth story arc of Fairy Tail. This arc includes Natsu and Happy wanting to go on an S-Class Mission, which is forbidden for Mages not of S-Class. He steals an S-Class request without permission, and drags Lucy and Gray along with him. Upon arriving on the island and being faced with a request more difficult than they initially thought, they discover another event that requires their attention: the resurrection of the Demon Deliora by an old friend of Gray's: Lyon Vastia.
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