  • OSA
  • Osa
  • OSA
  • Osa
  • Osa is the former Traveler from the territory of Zadaa and the adoptive mother of Loor. She was killed on Denduron while trying to protect Bobby and Loor from a group of attacking Bedoowan Knights. She is described by Bobby as being very beautiful, and similar in appearance to Loor. In The Merchant of Death, Osa gave Mark Dimond a Traveler ring that enabled him to receive journals from Bobby about his adventures. She is also mentioned in The Lost City of Faar, The Never War, and The Rivers of Zadaa. In the lost city of Faar Loor says that Osa had traveled to receive half of the map to Faar and then Loor gives it to Bobby and Spader.
  • I (DarthMuffin) started this guild on September 28, 2006. I believe that the Osa class is HIGHLY underrated and I'm out to prove that a guild of Osamodas's can pwn just as much as any other guild.
  • Osa is a region in southern Costa Rica, filled with jungles and banana plantations, on the Pacific side of the country. In 1941, Indiana Jones flew to Palmar Sur in the region, to visit the stone spheres known as The Three Sisters, to help guide him to the Akashic Hall of Records. The next day, Jones was confronted by his adversary, Nichols, but escaped with his pilot Bert Brodowski.
  • Osa teroristická (maď. nemszeremed) je hmyz rodu teroristických - medzi ktoré patria napríklad včely, muchy, komáre, somáre, sršne a iné.
  • Osa is the leader of Shinigami no Ichizoku (Clan of Reapers). He appeared in Volume 3 of the Fighting Edge manga series as well as episode 49 of Duel Masters Charge and episode 36 of the Duel Masters Cross series of the Duel Masters Anime.
  • Osa (Russ. Оса) is a Uralican city in south-central Permski Rayon, sitting on the south bank of the Kama River. Highway access is provided by Highway UH-23A, which links up with Highway 23, which is a secondary highway linking to several major highways in the region.
  • [[Soubor:100 KORUN 1989.JPG|thumb|300px|OSA financuje Moravskou osvobozeneckou armádu i Necyklopedii.]] <i>„<strong class="selflink">OSA</strong> hájí hudební <a href="/mediawiki/N%C3%A1rod" title="Národ">národn</a>í zájmy <a href="/mediawiki/%C4%8Cesko" title="Česko">Česka</a>!“</i> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Petr_Jand%C3%A1k" title="Petr Jandák">Petr Jandák</a> </b> Hlavní sídlo OSY je v Brně-Pisoárkách, pobočky se nachází v Praze 666, v Ostravě a v Mostě. Budova OSY v Praze 666 se proslavila tím, že 14. ledna 2009 před ní zkolaboval a naposledy vydechl Jan Kaplický.
  • DarthMuffin
  • The Merchant of Death
  • rushu
  • Lima
  • Osa
locations within
  • Light
  • The Soldiers of Halla
  • y
  • y
  • Osa is the former Traveler from the territory of Zadaa and the adoptive mother of Loor. She was killed on Denduron while trying to protect Bobby and Loor from a group of attacking Bedoowan Knights. She is described by Bobby as being very beautiful, and similar in appearance to Loor. In The Merchant of Death, Osa gave Mark Dimond a Traveler ring that enabled him to receive journals from Bobby about his adventures. She is also mentioned in The Lost City of Faar, The Never War, and The Rivers of Zadaa. In the lost city of Faar Loor says that Osa had traveled to receive half of the map to Faar and then Loor gives it to Bobby and Spader.
  • I (DarthMuffin) started this guild on September 28, 2006. I believe that the Osa class is HIGHLY underrated and I'm out to prove that a guild of Osamodas's can pwn just as much as any other guild.
  • Osa is a region in southern Costa Rica, filled with jungles and banana plantations, on the Pacific side of the country. In 1941, Indiana Jones flew to Palmar Sur in the region, to visit the stone spheres known as The Three Sisters, to help guide him to the Akashic Hall of Records. The next day, Jones was confronted by his adversary, Nichols, but escaped with his pilot Bert Brodowski.
  • [[Soubor:100 KORUN 1989.JPG|thumb|300px|OSA financuje Moravskou osvobozeneckou armádu i Necyklopedii.]] <i>„<strong class="selflink">OSA</strong> hájí hudební <a href="/mediawiki/N%C3%A1rod" title="Národ">národn</a>í zájmy <a href="/mediawiki/%C4%8Cesko" title="Česko">Česka</a>!“</i> - <b><a href="/mediawiki/Petr_Jand%C3%A1k" title="Petr Jandák">Petr Jandák</a> </b> OSA, též osa zla, plným názvem Okhrany Soyuz Avtorov, italsky ©OSA Nostra, je teroristická organizace zajišťující financování Moravské osvobozenecké armády. Nutí majitele obchodů, hospod, a organizátory veřejných vystoupení k placení vysokého výpalného. Těm, kteří odmítnou, pouští před jejich provozovnou songy Evy a Vaška a Heleny Vondráčkové, což jim spolehlivě zažene všechny zákazníky. Také vybírá desátky z prodeje prázdných gramofonových desek, CD-RW, křišťálových koulí a toaletního papíru. OSA úzce spolupracuje s IFPI (International Federation of the Pornographic Industry), v poslední době například na kampani Kopírování zabíjí porno. OSA též zabezpečuje výběr slyšného neboli Autorského poplatku z konzumace zvuku přenášeného technickými prostředky. Hlavní sídlo OSY je v Brně-Pisoárkách, pobočky se nachází v Praze 666, v Ostravě a v Mostě. Budova OSY v Praze 666 se proslavila tím, že 14. ledna 2009 před ní zkolaboval a naposledy vydechl Jan Kaplický. Největším nepřítelem Osy kupodivu není Pirátská strana, nýbrž kovová vazba. Ta je totiž jak známo založena na sdílení elektronů.
  • Osa (Russ. Оса) is a Uralican city in south-central Permski Rayon, sitting on the south bank of the Kama River. Highway access is provided by Highway UH-23A, which links up with Highway 23, which is a secondary highway linking to several major highways in the region. It is unsure as to when exactly the settlement was founded - it was definitely in the 1590s, although some sources say 1591 and others 1596. However, it is known that the settlement first attained city status in 1737, which it would lose in 2006 in the aftermath of Cataclysm and the subsequent changing of hands of the town to other nations. After being annexed in early 2009, Osa quickly gained importance both as a river port along the important Kama River, and as a centre of food production, much like fellow Kama Valley city Chaykovsky, which would be annexed later. It also brought to the table a very balanced industrial sector - food production, machine-building, production of housing construction materials, lumber sawmilling, agriculture, and oil refinery already had a foothold - which would later be bolstered by the adding of metallurgy, pulp-and-paper, consumer-goods manufacturing, and publishing.
  • Osa teroristická (maď. nemszeremed) je hmyz rodu teroristických - medzi ktoré patria napríklad včely, muchy, komáre, somáre, sršne a iné.
  • Osa is the leader of Shinigami no Ichizoku (Clan of Reapers). He appeared in Volume 3 of the Fighting Edge manga series as well as episode 49 of Duel Masters Charge and episode 36 of the Duel Masters Cross series of the Duel Masters Anime.
is Family of
is Predecessor of