  • Sonia Diaz-Núñez
  • Diaz-Núñez was appointed by the Liberal Front Bench to be a caretaker leader until a new leader was elected following Michelyne Bryan's resignation. Sonia Diaz-Núñez had served as a Senator since 2413. She had served in the senate for 51 years before becoming interim leader. She appointed a completely new Front Bench and became the party’s oldest leader at the time of the beginning of her administration. She was 67. In 2465, the Liberal Caucus held a leadership review for Sonia Diaz-Núñez. Potential leadership candidates also wanted to see how much support they would get if a contest occurred. Diaz-Núñez won 29 of the 44 votes. Penny Smith won 5 votes. Lucretia Kavanagh, Laura Cantwell, and Grégoire-Jean Blanc each won 3 votes. Maxine Clements received 1 vote. In the actual leadership revi
  • 11
term start
  • 2464-01-31
Birth Date
  • 2397-12-30
  • Alfredo Marco Calderon
  • Sonia Maritza Diaz-Núñez
  • 154
  • 154
term end
  • 2467-02-08
death date
  • 2473-10-25
  • Paola Ofelia Kayhaeno
  • Diaz-Núñez was appointed by the Liberal Front Bench to be a caretaker leader until a new leader was elected following Michelyne Bryan's resignation. Sonia Diaz-Núñez had served as a Senator since 2413. She had served in the senate for 51 years before becoming interim leader. She appointed a completely new Front Bench and became the party’s oldest leader at the time of the beginning of her administration. She was 67. In 2465, the Liberal Caucus held a leadership review for Sonia Diaz-Núñez. Potential leadership candidates also wanted to see how much support they would get if a contest occurred. Diaz-Núñez won 29 of the 44 votes. Penny Smith won 5 votes. Lucretia Kavanagh, Laura Cantwell, and Grégoire-Jean Blanc each won 3 votes. Maxine Clements received 1 vote. In the actual leadership review, Diaz-Núñez won the support of 88.63% of the caucus. Sonia Diaz-Núñez resigned on the night of the 2467 federal election. When the results were announced, Diaz-Núñez had lost her senate seat in an upset. She was defeated by 63 votes. She regained he seat in 2471. Sonia Diaz-Núñez died in 2473. Priya Bhutto was elected to her seat by 4.06% over Zafarullah Aziz, the Libertarian candidate. She was married to Alfredo Calderon. They had one daughter: * Paola Ofelia (2443 - 2539)
is Successor of
is Predecessor of