  • Personality Powers
  • Often, when there's a superhero team, their powers will reflect their personalities with the most blatant symbolism possible. Somebody with sun or light-based powers will be optimistic and sunny, while somebody with moon or night-based powers will be moody and dark. This can, of course, be a chicken/egg thing. If a person has a set of abilities long enough, it can influence their personality. In other cases, their personality is what influences the powers they get.
  • Often, when there's a superhero team, their powers will reflect their personalities with the most blatant symbolism possible. Somebody with sun or light-based powers will be optimistic and sunny, while somebody with moon or night-based powers will be moody and dark. Mystical characters will have this as part of their Super-Hero Origin; the moon spirits seek out those who are dark and moody, or having all that moon energy in your body makes you dark and moody. But this is rare; often, it just happens that the optimistic and sunny guy is the one who gets caught in the Freak Lab Accident involving concentrated solar power. This trope is too convenient to be a notably Discredited Trope. As a result, it is almost as common for superheroes to have the exact opposite personality that one would expect, with sun guy being dark and night guy being happy. It's much rarer to simply ignore the trope and make the powers truly random, so they don't coincide or contrast with anybody's personality. If you count mythology, and godly portfolios as powers, this is Older Than Feudalism. Greek mythology, with its very human gods, is probably the most blatant, with the sun god Helios being inspiring and alive, while his sister, the moon goddess Selene, is aloof and solitary, and so on for most of the other gods. Of course, these are justified; the Greco-Roman gods were incarnations of that which they represented. This can, of course, be a chicken/egg thing. If a person has a set of abilities long enough, it can influence their personality. In other cases, their personality is what influences the powers they get.