  • Batman: Savior of Gotham
  • Batman: Savior of Gotham is an animated TV Series centering around Batman's many adventures. It ran for 6 seasons. It was almost cancelled as parents called it too dark and violent. The show then received a "TV-Y7" rating. As the series progressed they considered giving it a PG rating again as darker, grittier characters like Hush or Zsasz didn't show up in the series as much as they used too, but they kept the Y7 rating.
  • Batman: Savior of Gotham is an animated TV Series centering around Batman's many adventures. It ran for 6 seasons. It was almost cancelled as parents called it too dark and violent. The show then received a "TV-Y7" rating. As the series progressed they considered giving it a PG rating again as darker, grittier characters like Hush or Zsasz didn't show up in the series as much as they used too, but they kept the Y7 rating.