  • Xindi-Aquatic cruiser
  • The Xindi-Aquatic cruiser was a type of starship used by the Xindi-Aquatics during the 22nd century. The vessel was at least 1,800 meters long, heavily armed, and equipped with the most advanced technology of any of the five Xindi species. The ship featured a hydrodynamic, swept-wing hull structure and a large hangar bay in the primary section that could be used to carry other starships. Despite also having superior weaponry, the Xindi-Aquatic ships had a drawback of being slower than other Xindi ships.
  • 22
  • Traveled via subspace vortex
  • Xindi-Aquatic cruiser
  • Particle beam weapons
  • The Xindi-Aquatic cruiser was a type of starship used by the Xindi-Aquatics during the 22nd century. The vessel was at least 1,800 meters long, heavily armed, and equipped with the most advanced technology of any of the five Xindi species. The ship featured a hydrodynamic, swept-wing hull structure and a large hangar bay in the primary section that could be used to carry other starships. Despite also having superior weaponry, the Xindi-Aquatic ships had a drawback of being slower than other Xindi ships. These Xindi-Aquatic ships had at least one small room where oxygen-breathing humanoids could come aboard and communicate with the Aquatic crew. A round window was located between this room and the Aquatics' domain. (ENT: "Damage", "Countdown") One of these cruisers participated in the battle to stop the Xindi weapon, after it was commandeered by the Xindi-Reptilians, and transported Enterprise NX-01 into the battle. It was disabled during the battle by a spatial anomaly generated by a nearby Sphere. (ENT: "Countdown") Another cruiser transported Enterprise back to Earth following the successful destruction of the weapon, probably to shorten the trip as a thanks for destroying the Spheres and Sphere-Builders. (ENT: "Zero Hour")