  • Nova Pictavia
  • The Imperial Republic of New Pictavia, also known as Nova Pictavia or New Pictavia is a sovereign nation and empire situated in the southernmost continent of the region of Haven. The current Havenic territories inhabited by the Picts, although settled on for centuries, are actually a result of the Great Exodus where the entire Pictish race departed their ancestral homelands in modern-day Scotland. The Pictish fleet consequently landed in uninhabited Southern Haven, known as their Havenic Landfall, and rebuilt their civilization there.
  • The Imperial Republic of New Pictavia, also known as Nova Pictavia or New Pictavia is a sovereign nation and empire situated in the southernmost continent of the region of Haven. The current Havenic territories inhabited by the Picts, although settled on for centuries, are actually a result of the Great Exodus where the entire Pictish race departed their ancestral homelands in modern-day Scotland. The Pictish fleet consequently landed in uninhabited Southern Haven, known as their Havenic Landfall, and rebuilt their civilization there. Now a fledgling empire, New Pictavia has expanded her sphere of influence both aggressively and diplomatically to establish a modest commonwealth, a community of sovereign states, including several sovereign protectorates and semi-independent colonies.