  • First Austrian War (Alternate Imperialism)
  • In 1835 Austria began pushing the Großdeutsche Lösung, or Greater German Decision, gaining political control over many lesser German states. Prussian and her remaining allies soon feared that Austria would declare war. On 1 January 1836 the War of German Hegemony began as Prussia invaded Austria. In 1837 the Treaty of Cologne was signed ending the war. The remainder of German states are loosely united under Prussian influence. Bohemia , Hanover, Schleswig-Holstein, the Electorate of Hesse, Frankfurt am Main, Nassau, and parts of Hesse-Darmstadt are annexed by Prussia The North German Confederacy is formed by Prussia, officially annexing parts of northern Germany. On 3 February the Second Congress of Vienna is called into order. The object of the congress was to discuss the future of a unif
  • 25
  • German Empire,
  • Hungarian Rebels
  • 52000
  • 72000
  • 90000
  • 1839-01-03
  • First Austrian War
  • 1838-06-01
  • 25
  • Frederick William III
  • Part of the German Patriot War
  • Germany, Jutland, Eastern Europe, North Sea
  • In 1835 Austria began pushing the Großdeutsche Lösung, or Greater German Decision, gaining political control over many lesser German states. Prussian and her remaining allies soon feared that Austria would declare war. On 1 January 1836 the War of German Hegemony began as Prussia invaded Austria. In 1837 the Treaty of Cologne was signed ending the war. The remainder of German states are loosely united under Prussian influence. Bohemia , Hanover, Schleswig-Holstein, the Electorate of Hesse, Frankfurt am Main, Nassau, and parts of Hesse-Darmstadt are annexed by Prussia The North German Confederacy is formed by Prussia, officially annexing parts of northern Germany. On 3 February the Second Congress of Vienna is called into order. The object of the congress was to discuss the future of a unified German state and to redraw international borders after the War of German Hegemony. On 10 May the Second Congress of Vienna concludes. The Austrian government agreed to form Greater Germany, combining with Prussia’s influence in the north to form a union under a single Emperor. Almost immediately after Prussian occupation set in resentment grew against the north Germans. Former Austrian General, Karl von Schönhals, joined the resistance, leading a small force through the Austrian countryside near Linz.