  • Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah
  • Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah is a group of gender- and sexual-minority firearms advocates and owners in Utah, and supporters of the Pink Pistols idea that was described nationally in 2000 by writer Jonathan Rauch for the legal, responsible and safe use of firearms for their self defense and shooting-sport competition and recreation, including those who are gay and lesbian, and that of their families and friends. Founded in 2002 with hundreds of members, it's the largest such group worldwide.
  • Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah is a group of gender- and sexual-minority firearms advocates and owners in Utah, and supporters of the Pink Pistols idea that was described nationally in 2000 by writer Jonathan Rauch for the legal, responsible and safe use of firearms for their self defense and shooting-sport competition and recreation, including those who are gay and lesbian, and that of their families and friends. Founded in 2002 with hundreds of members, it's the largest such group worldwide.