  • Pink Tractor
  • The Pink Tractor is a vehicle available on FarmVille. It can plow an area of up to 2x2 plots at the cost of 4 fuel, or 1 fuel per plot. The Pink Tractor is useful for farmers who have large fields, as it can plow them at a much faster rate. One can of fuel will plow an area of 150 plots. The Pink Tractor functions in the same manner as a Red Tractor, but is different in color. It is the only vehicle to have a non-exclusive color variant. There is also a special Lucky Tractor (Green) that was available during St. Patrick's Day in 2010.
cost curr type
  • coin
  • 4
xp gain type
  • player
sell curr type
  • coin
sell curr amt
  • 250
  • 2
xp gain amt
  • 50
cost curr amt
  • 5000
level req amt
  • 12
level req type
  • player
  • 2
  • The Pink Tractor is a vehicle available on FarmVille. It can plow an area of up to 2x2 plots at the cost of 4 fuel, or 1 fuel per plot. The Pink Tractor is useful for farmers who have large fields, as it can plow them at a much faster rate. One can of fuel will plow an area of 150 plots. The Pink Tractor functions in the same manner as a Red Tractor, but is different in color. It is the only vehicle to have a non-exclusive color variant. There is also a special Lucky Tractor (Green) that was available during St. Patrick's Day in 2010. And there is also a special Hot Rod Tractor that plows a larger area.