  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • P
  • deleted
  • "Happy New Years! * This item is for use in the New Years event."
  • Le P est la lettre la plus drôle de l'alphabet après le Q. Conjointement, ces deux lettres forment le mot QP qui est super rigolo.
  • Policy - the "company" rules by which records and record keeping are governed.
  • P is the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet. It has been a sponsor of Sesame Street since the fourth episode.
  • letra que surt a les seguents paraules * Puta * Pelindrusques * Petardes * Prostitutes * Policia terrorista * Palou
  • SLASH'EM introduces new creatures that use the P glyph: * P pudding or ooze: * P moldy pudding * P shoggoth * P giant shoggoth
  • Any punch button.
  • P is the sixteenth letter in the English Letter.
  • Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Poodle plop.
  • P is a letter of the alphabet. It is also an alias for the /tell command. (Private is a synonym for Tell, and P is an abbreviation).
  • P is the first album by Masaharu Niō (Yūki Masuda).
  • The p element, or paragraph, forces surrounding content onto separate lines and cannot contain other p elements, but otherwise it is an ordinary inline element. It is typically used to simply set a paragraph apart, sometimes with CSS styles to be applied.
  • Player Association, or guild. A list of PA's which have been posted can be found . Feel free to add your own.
  • [[Category: Power Rangers Wild Force (Pixel Beasts Universe)]]
  • P is the son of A and is the current Raikage in Naruto: Next Generation.
  • P steht für: * Peyote - Lophophora williamsii, ein Mescalin-haltiger Kaktus * Proscalin - 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-propoxy-PEA (in PIHKAL)
  • P One of the three five four five six mods of the MS Elegante Livejournal roleplaying game. She's Canadian, she's a fan of exercise, practicing muay thai, french movies, techno music and pretentiously listening to music on vinyl. She even has a record player. Whatta hipster! She's gay for Kage. And wants mah pen15. WHAT D8< YOU KNOW YOU DO, STOP LYING TO YOUR SELF BB B| Also, she likes REAL Porn.
  • Paragliding 滑翔運動 Pole 馬球 Pole Vault 撐竿跳 Ping-Pong 乒乓球 Paintball 漆彈射擊 Parakiting 風箏傘滑翔 Pitch Out (棒球)故意投壞球
  • P,是包括英文在内,欧洲高达八成的国家的语言的第十六个字母,基本上这个字母没什么特别意义,虽然语言学家们觉得它只是一个普通的字母,但是日常生活中有高达九成九的狗官都会使用这个字母并认为其有特殊意义。
  • "P" is an original, non-lexical VOCALOID song featuring Hatsune Miku. The entire song is made up of Hatsune Miku repeating the letter "P" throughout its run time. The song flows through a variety of genres, including trap, swing, electro and techno mixes.
  • [[categoria:Codici e simboli_in_]] 1. * simbolo chimico del fosforo.
  • Possono inoltre diventare delle vere e proprie barriere architettoniche. Con pavimentazione si intende una superficie piana, poggiata o ben saldata al sottofondo secondo una specifica posa in opera, che varia a seconda del tipo della pavimentazione.
  • Pá °1 * Pa °2 * Paá °1 * Paa °2 * Paagi * Páaralán * Páaralan ng Arnís * Paawas °1 * Paawas °2 * Paawas gawas * Paawas sulod * Paawas ubos * Paawas ug Panastas * Paayon °1 * Paayon °2 * Paayon °3 * Paayon °4 * Pababa * Pababang Suntok * Pababaw °1 * Pababaw °2 * Pabagsák * Pabalhin * Pabalik * Pabalik gunit * Pabalik hawak * Pabarick * Pabayá * Pabilog * Pableo, Parcival * Padayon * Paduka * Padulas * Paete * P.A.E.T.E. * Pag * Pag-aáral * Pagabaga * Pag-agaw * Pagagi * Pag’ampo * Págamutan * Pag Antus * Pagaradman * Pag-ása * Pagbali * Pag Bansay * Pagbitaw * Pagdáka * Pagdatíng * Pagdikit * Paggálang * Pag-Galang * Paggálang sa Pagtapos * Paggamit * Pag Guhó * Paggulong * Paghawak * Pag Kabig * Pagkakátaon * Pagkalikali * Pagkalipas * Pagkalúla * Pagkaon * Pag Karaan * Pagkaraán * Pagka
  • PraireWitch-ani-Elph thumb.gif|Prairie Witch PranksterOYL-JT.gif|Prankster Pravda-Peoples Heroes-Elph.gif|Pravda Praxis.gif|Praxis Preacher.gif|Preacher Zan predatorss.gif|Predator (Abraham Pointe) Predator10.png|Predator (Entity) StarSapphire Predator-Khea-Taramka RichB.png|Predator (Khea Taramka) Pretty miss Dot Doom Patrol v2 64 BB.gif|Pretty Miss Dot Preus-Darksun1.png|Preus Prez-Bumpus.gif|Prez Rickard The Preistess Batman 298 RT.gif|Priestess Primaid Hyperclan Rat.gif|Primaid Primal force.gif|Primal Force Primat.png|Primat Primus2.gif|Primus VertigoComics-Fables-PrinceCharming.gif|Prince Charming Prince Power - Superboy.gif|Prince Power CLA_Brainiac5_Prince_Projectur_Act392_rr.gif|Prince Projectur Prince Ra-Man MEC2.gif|Prince Ra-Man Princetopaz.gif|Prince Topaz PrincessBarbara.gif|P
  • The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. Packaging: The assembly of one or more containers and any other components necessary to ensure minimum compliance with a program's storage and shipment packaging requirements. Also, the containers, etc. involved. Packed Bed Scrubber: An air pollution control device in which emissions pass through alkaline water to neutralize hydrogen chloride gas. Palatable Water: Water, at a desirable temperature, that is free from objectionable tastes, odors, colors, and turbidity.
  • 125000
  • "P"
  • 1
original upload date
  • Nov.25.2015
  • 10000
  • 2015-11-26
  • Purple
yt id
  • 9
  • 5.0
  • GaoPurple.jpg
  • Date
  • Purple Wild Force Ranger
  • P
  • Event name
  • Caption here
  • 6
  • 2014-12-31
  • Niconico Broadcast / YouTube Broadcast
  • Text before and after this element will be forced onto its own line.
  • Participants
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • Purple
  • #FF1493; color: white
  • #FF2196; color: #FA78BC
  • yes
  • No
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • No
  • yes
  • No
  • No
  • yes
  • No
  • No
  • yes
  • No
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • yes
  • Earth
  • yes
  • yes
  • Female
  • Lorem Ipsum
  • Heal
  • Location
wikipage disambiguates
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • deleted
  • "Happy New Years! * This item is for use in the New Years event."
  • Possono inoltre diventare delle vere e proprie barriere architettoniche. Con pavimentazione si intende una superficie piana, poggiata o ben saldata al sottofondo secondo una specifica posa in opera, che varia a seconda del tipo della pavimentazione. L'assenza di un sistema di pavimentazioni all'interno del parco, o comunque in una zona che vede una buona affluenza di persone, risulta un problema notevole. Può diventare barriera architettonica per coloro che sono portatori di handicap motori o anche per non vedenti, non avendo a disposizione ad esempio pavimentazioni con elementi in rilievo che evidenzino un percorso. Il problema delle "pavimentazioni assenti" riguarda anche utenti in grado di svolgere le loro attività autonomamente, perchè anche una passeggiata all'aria aperta può creare difficoltà considerando magari una recente pioggia che rende non calpestabile quelle aree sprovviste di queste superfici piane. Il medesimo problema lo creano le pavimentazioni che sono si presenti, ma sconnesse o posizionate senza la cura e l'attenzione necessaria. Cosi come ho detto prima, per coloro che hanno difficoltà motorie è evidente che rappresentano un vero e proprio ostacolo, cosi come una sorta di "trappola" per le persone e quindi un pericolo per la pubblica incolumità. La soluzione può essere quella di creare una sorta di "gioco di pavimentazioni" rendendo meno difficoltosa la vita all'aperto di disabili e non. Con "gioco di pavimentazioni" intendo un sistema in cui materiali ma anche colori diversi corrispondano ad un tipo diverso di pavimentazione a seconda della funzionalità che essa deve assumere ( in modo da avere anche una certa logica con l'arredo urbano circostante). Per esempio un percorso pedonale ha una struttura diversa rispetto a quello dedicato al passaggio di veicoli, presentando anche minori sollecitazioni. Anche dal punto di vista estetico, (per un architetto è un punto notevole) si otterrebbe un risultato gradevole alla vista: materiali diversi che corrispondono a pavimentazioni con funzionalità differenti. Inoltre si potrebbero creare dei passaggi, dei percorsi, specifici per portatori di handicap, ad esempio superfici con elementi a rilievo per non vedenti e altri per gli aventi problemi motori per facilitare in maniera ottimale gli spostamenti. In questo modo potremmo anche avere dei percorsi pedonali con una pavimentazione che sia unita all'elemento naturale, prato, terra stabilizzata, o breccino che si trasforma in ostacolo per i diversamente abili. Immagine:antico-Palladio_Veneziano2.jpg Immagine:lastrame_05.jpg
  • Le P est la lettre la plus drôle de l'alphabet après le Q. Conjointement, ces deux lettres forment le mot QP qui est super rigolo.
  • Policy - the "company" rules by which records and record keeping are governed.
  • P is the 16th letter of the Roman alphabet. It has been a sponsor of Sesame Street since the fourth episode.
  • letra que surt a les seguents paraules * Puta * Pelindrusques * Petardes * Prostitutes * Policia terrorista * Palou
  • SLASH'EM introduces new creatures that use the P glyph: * P pudding or ooze: * P moldy pudding * P shoggoth * P giant shoggoth
  • Any punch button.
  • P is the sixteenth letter in the English Letter.
  • Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Poodle plop.
  • P is a letter of the alphabet. It is also an alias for the /tell command. (Private is a synonym for Tell, and P is an abbreviation).
  • P is the first album by Masaharu Niō (Yūki Masuda).
  • PraireWitch-ani-Elph thumb.gif|Prairie Witch PranksterOYL-JT.gif|Prankster Pravda-Peoples Heroes-Elph.gif|Pravda Praxis.gif|Praxis Preacher.gif|Preacher Zan predatorss.gif|Predator (Abraham Pointe) Predator10.png|Predator (Entity) StarSapphire Predator-Khea-Taramka RichB.png|Predator (Khea Taramka) Pretty miss Dot Doom Patrol v2 64 BB.gif|Pretty Miss Dot Preus-Darksun1.png|Preus Prez-Bumpus.gif|Prez Rickard The Preistess Batman 298 RT.gif|Priestess Primaid Hyperclan Rat.gif|Primaid Primal force.gif|Primal Force Primat.png|Primat Primus2.gif|Primus VertigoComics-Fables-PrinceCharming.gif|Prince Charming Prince Power - Superboy.gif|Prince Power CLA_Brainiac5_Prince_Projectur_Act392_rr.gif|Prince Projectur Prince Ra-Man MEC2.gif|Prince Ra-Man Princetopaz.gif|Prince Topaz PrincessBarbara.gif|Princess Barbara Princessemerald1.gif|Princess Emerald Princess Fern-Elph.gif|Princess Fern Princess Power-Elph.gif|Princess Power PrincessProjectra6-JR.gif|Princess Projectra (Earth-Prime) JR-Projectra.gif|Princess Projectra (Legionnaires) PrincessProjecta-JR.gif|Princess Projectra (Pre-Zero Hour) PRISM-DailHforHERO Prism DC Comics Presents 44 BB.gif|Prism Prism-rl.gif|Prism (Bloodlines) PrivateervII.gif|Privateer 5YG_Probe_sxm350_rr.gif|Probes Professor-Bothar Vultan.gif|Professor Bothar Vultan Professor-BravoCJE.gif|Professor Bravo Professor-Haley-CotU01-Kirby2-Urban.gif|Professor Haley CLA_Prof_Harding_Adv_302_rr.gif|Professor Harding CLA_Prof_Huxton_Adv_349_rr.gif|Professor Huxton Professor-Ivo-Elph.gif|Professor Ivo Professor-Ken-Dal-Elph.gif|Professor Ken-Dal Professor-Kim-Da-Action242-Elph.gif|Professor Kim-Da KurtBorianCJE.gif|Professor Kurt Borian Professor-Menace-Elph.gif|Professor Menace Professor-Merlin-Elph.gif|Professor Merlin Professormilo2.png|Professor Milo ProfessorOjo-GL75-Elph.gif|Professor Ojo Professor-SnakelocksCJE.gif|Professor Snakelocks Professor-Va-Kox-Superboy114-Elph thumb.gif|Professor Va-Kox REV_Dr_Vndaar_SB236_rr.gif|Professor Vndaar Prof Zodiac-ASC42-Elph.gif|Professor Zodiak Professor-zoom ctbp.gif|Professor Zoom Proletariat Flash V2 51 RT.gif|Proletariat Prometheus.gif|Prometheus I (Hybrid) Prometheus CA.gif|Prometheus II Promqueen-anlaroza0xa.gif|Prom Queen Prophetrp.gif|Prophet 200px-Proselyte10.png|Proselyte (Entity) 200px-IndigoTribe Proselyte-ShaneThompson RichB2.png|Proselyte (Shane Thompson) Protector.gif|Protector ProtectorII.gif|Protector (Jason Hart) Protector (Matt Allen).png|Protector (Matt Allen) Proteus-NO-Elph.gif|Proteus Protex Hyperclan Rat.gif|Protex Proty rat.gif|Proty Proty2 jmartinez.gif|Proty II Pryia Superboy And The Ravers 1 RT.gif|Pryia Prysmtt9anlaroza0po.gif|Prysm ==Ps-Py Psi.gif|Psi Psi-Clone (Vicki Grant).png|Psi-Clone (Vicki Grant) Psi-Fire (Chris King).png|Psi-Fire (Chris King) PSI Force Adventure Comics 487 RT.gif|PSI Force Psilencer.gif|Psilencer Psimon.gif|Psimon Ei psion rar.gif|Psion Psyche1.gif|Psyche Psyche2.gif|Psyche (Clone) PsychoPirate2-dig.gif|Psycho Pirate Psycho-Warrior.png|Psycho-Warrior Pteradon.gif|Pteradon REV_KK20_Pulsar_with_power_staff_KK8_rr.gif|Pulsar Pulsar-Stargrave-Rat.gif|Pulsar Stargrave 5YG-PULSE NIX.gif|Pulse Pulse8.gif|Pulse 8 Puma (Vicki Grant).png|Puma (Vicki Grant) Punch.gif|Punch (Earth-Four) Punch zan .gif|Punch Puppeteer.gif|Puppeteer Puppet Master-Elph.gif|Puppet Master Purple Haze (Nick Stevens).png|Purple Haze (Nick Stevens) PurplePilgrim2.gif|Purple Pilgrim Puzzler-femaleII.gif|Puzzler II Pyg mrtoad phosphorous rex big top siam).png|Pyg Pyra-anlarozahq9.gif|Pyra Pyremaul zan .gif|Pyremaul Pyrogen ttah.gif|Pyrogen Py-Ron-Action323-Elph.gif|Py-Ron Pyronic Man (Robby Reed).png|Pyronic Man (Robby Reed) Pythia CA.gif|Pythia (New Gods) Pythia Doom Patrol v2 13 BB.gif|Pythia
  • Pá °1 * Pa °2 * Paá °1 * Paa °2 * Paagi * Páaralán * Páaralan ng Arnís * Paawas °1 * Paawas °2 * Paawas gawas * Paawas sulod * Paawas ubos * Paawas ug Panastas * Paayon °1 * Paayon °2 * Paayon °3 * Paayon °4 * Pababa * Pababang Suntok * Pababaw °1 * Pababaw °2 * Pabagsák * Pabalhin * Pabalik * Pabalik gunit * Pabalik hawak * Pabarick * Pabayá * Pabilog * Pableo, Parcival * Padayon * Paduka * Padulas * Paete * P.A.E.T.E. * Pag * Pag-aáral * Pagabaga * Pag-agaw * Pagagi * Pag’ampo * Págamutan * Pag Antus * Pagaradman * Pag-ása * Pagbali * Pag Bansay * Pagbitaw * Pagdáka * Pagdatíng * Pagdikit * Paggálang * Pag-Galang * Paggálang sa Pagtapos * Paggamit * Pag Guhó * Paggulong * Paghawak * Pag Kabig * Pagkakátaon * Pagkalikali * Pagkalipas * Pagkalúla * Pagkaon * Pag Karaan * Pagkaraán * Pagkaráka * Pag Katapos * Pagkukúha ng Panahon * Paglaban sa sarili * Paglalakbáy * Paglalaráwan * Paglíbot °1 * Paglíbot °2 * Paglíbot °3 * Paglíbot °4 * Paglíbot °5 * Paglúsob * Págod °1 * Pagód °2 * Pagog * Pagsanay * Pagsasaka * Pagsasánay * Pagsawali * Pagsilang °1 * Pagsilang °2 * Pagsisisi * Pagsulod * Pagsusúgod * Pagsuyop * Pagtatángol * Pagtitiis * Pag-ugnat * Pag-una * Pag-uswag * Pagyukod * Pahamangno * Pahanas * Páhid °1 * Páhid °2 * Pahimsug * Pahinga °1 * Pahingá °2 * Pahintulot * Pahisa * Paikot °1 * Paikot °2 * Paikot °3 * Pa-ikot °1 * Pa-ikot °2 * Pailag * Pailag Liyad * Pailag Palabas * Pailag Palayo * Pailag Palo-ób * Pailag Yuko * Paikót * Páin * Pai-Pai * Paiwás1 * Paiwas2 * Pakal °1 * Pakal °2 * Pakal °3 * Pakil * Pakiramdam * Pakò °1 * Pako °2 * Pakpák * Pak-Pak * Pakundángan * Pála °1 * Palá °2 * Palabas * Palabus * Palabus ug Pasabus * Pálad °1 * Pálad °2 * Palad °3 * Palagáy °1 * Palagáy °2 * Palagì * Palakabanate (Banate Eskrima) * Palákas * Palakas-Pulso * Palakól * Palapas * Palaro at Baras ng Palaro * Palasan * Palasut °1 * Palasut °2 * Palasut °3 * Palasut °4 * Palasut Palasut * Palasó * Palasok y Palabas * Pálda * Paléngke * Paliarin * Palibut * Paliguán * Paliko * Palikod * Paliko-Liko Naga Dasdas * Palis * Palisay * Palis-Palis °1 * Palis-Palis °2 * Palis-Patid * Palisut * Palisut sa Pinatag * Palisut-sut * Palit * Palit-Kamay * Palitan * Palm down * Palm up * Palo °1 * Pálo °2 * Palo °3 * Palóng * Palóng Malakas * Palóng Paákyat °1 * Pálong Paakyat °2 * Palo-Pálo °1 * Palo-Pálo °2 * Pálo-Pálo °3 * Pálo-Pálo Lang Tayo * Pálo sa Ibaba * Pálo sa Itaas * Pálo sa Kaliwa * Pálo sa Kanan * Palosut °1 * Palosut °2 * Palpal * Paltik * Paltós * Paluag * Paluan * Palubid * Palupálo * Palusot * Palusut * Palutsanay * Paluyo * Pama-á * Pamaagi * Pamahiin * Pamankaw * Pamarug * Pamarug sa Agukoy * Pamarug sa Alimango * Pamatay * Pamaypáy * Pambáyan * Pambuan Arnis * Pampilay * Pana °1 * Panà °2 * Pána °3 * Panabas * Panadiakan * Panahón °1 * Panahón °2 * Panalipod * Pananámpalatáya * Pananandata °1 * Pananandata °2 * Pananandata °3 * Pananandata Arnis * Pananandátang Pilipino * Pananaw * Panandata * Pananjacman * Pananjakman * Panantucan * Panantukan * Panastas °1 * Panastas °2 * Panastas °3 * Panastas °4 * Panastas °5 * Panastas °6 * Panastás °7 * Panata * Panátag * Panátikó * Panatukan * Panaúhin * Panáy °1 * Panáy °2 * Panci Panci Eskrima * Pandalag * Pandango sa ilaw * Panday * Pandol * Pang1 * Pang2 * Pangá * Pangabak * Pangálan * Pangamay * Pangambá * Pangamut °1 * Pangamut °2 * Pangamot * Pangandam * Pang-angkán * Pangánib * Pangarmas * Pangasian * Pangasinan Arnis de Mano * Pangayo * Panggubat * Pang Gubatan * Pang Guibat * Panghilo °1 * Panghilo °2 * Pangiba * Pangibatan * Pangipit * Pang-ikyas * Pangilog * Panginoón * Pángit * Pangkát * Pangkubal1 * Pangkubal2 * Pang Laban na Posisyon * Pangláw * Pangligwat * Panglinas * Pang-olisi * Pang Olisi * Panguba * Pangubat * Pang-Ubot * Pangulo * Pangulo na Guro °1 * Pangulo na Guro °2 * Pangunáhin * Pangungúsap * Panibago * Panibagong Pagsilang * Panig * Panipis °1 * Panipis °2 * Panipis * Paniíl * Panikang * Paníki °1 * Paníki °2 * Paníki °3 * Panik Sa Sangot * Panimban * Panimbang * Panloob * Pannabas * Pansariling Supporta * Pantál * Pantóg * Pantok * Pantusok nang Yelo * Panu * Panudlak * Panukad °1 * Panukad °2 * Panulukan * Panuntukan °1 * Panuntukan °2 * Panuntukan °3 * Panyó * Panyolíto * Paon * Pa-on * Papalette * Papél * Pára! * Paraan °1 * Paraán °2 * Parada °1 * Parada °2 * Para kay * Parálisis * Parang * Para sa * Parého °1 * Parého °2 * Páres * Páris °1 * Páris °2 * Páris °3 * Parisukát * Paról * Parrada * Paruparó * Parúsa * Pasá °1 * Pasá °2 * Pasa, Abner * Pasabus * Pasá Caballo * Pasada * Pasada de Contra * Pasada y Contra °1 * Pasada y Contra °2 * Pasádo * Pasak * Pasaka * Pasapórte * Paskó * Pasmá * Pasmádo °1 * Pasmádo °2 * Pások °1 * Pasok °2 * Pasok °3 * Pasok °4 * Pások sa Labas * Pások sa Loób * Pasudsud * Pasugat * Pasuká * Pasukuan * Pasulong * Pasungkit °1 * Pasungkit °2 * Pasunot * Páta * Pataás * Pataas pababa * Pataas na suntok * Patadyong * Patag * Patagilid gulong harimaw * Patag nga olisi * Pátakaran °1 * Pátakaran °2 * Pátakaran °3 * Patakas * Patakbo * Patak Entabado * Patalim * Patalon1 * Patalon2 * Patalon3 * Patama * Patama Sa Gitna Ng Dawang Mata * Patátas * Patáy * Patayan * Patibong * Patid °1 * Pátid °2 * Pátid °3 * Pátid °4 * Patíd °5 * Patid °6 * Patid °7 * Patik * Patik sa panit * Patíng * Patiwarík * Patláng * Patoo * Patpat * Patton * Patul * Patumbahan * Patusok * Patuyok * Paubos * Pa Ulit * Paulit-ulit * Paupo * Pa-upo * Pauróng * Pauyon * Pawala * Payápa * Payo * Payong °1 * Payong °2 * Páyong °3 * Payong °4 * Payong °5 * Páyong sa Itaas * Paypáy °1 * Paypáy °2 * Pedoy, Braulio * Pedoy Style of Derobio Escrima * Pekiti °1 * Pekiti °2 * Pekiti-Tirsia * Pekiti Tirsia Europa * Pekiti Tirsia Germany * Pekiti Tirsia International * Pekiti Tirsia Kali * Pekiti Tirsia Stammbaum * Pelígro * Perhuwísyo * Péro * Peryódiko * Pggalang * Philippinen °1 * Philippinen °2 * Pie-Pie °1 * Pie-Pie °2 * Piga * Pigí * Pígil °1 * Pigil °2 * Piglás °1 * Piglas °2 * Pihit °1 * Pihit °2 * Piítan * Pikas °1 * Pikas °2 * Pikít * Pikón °1 * Pikon °2 * Piktos * Pílak * Pílas * Pilatok * Pílay °1 * Pilay °2 * Piligróso * Piligro * Pili Hagis * Píling * Pilipínas * Pilipína * Pilipino * Pilípit * Pina °1 * Pina °2 * Pinahandag * Pinahandóg °1 * Pinahandóg °2 * Pinahulog * Pinalabi * Pinasaka °1 * Pinasaka °2 * Pinasaka °3 * Pinasaka Tuhod * Pinatag °1 * Pinatag °2 * Pinatag °3 * Pinatag °4 * Pinatindog °1 * Pinatindog °2 * Pinaubos * Pinayusan * Pindót * Pingga °1 * Pingga °2 * Pinggán * Pingkiay * Pingki-Pingki °1 * Pingki-Pingki °2 * Pinid °1 * Pínid °2 * Pinid °3 * Píno * Pinoys * Pinoy-Stil * Pinsála * Pínsan * Pintados * Pintal °1 * Pintal °2 * Pintok °1 * Pintok °2 * Pintúan * Pinute * Pinuti °1 * Pinuti °2 * Pinuti °3 * Pira * Pirito * Pisa °1 * Pisa °2 * Pisíl °1 * Pisíl °2 * Pitak * Pitik °1 * Pitík °2 * Pitó °1 * Pito °2 * Pitong saklang hayop at Baliktad * Pitong Susi at trankadas * Pitumpû * Piyon * Planchada * Plansa * Plansada * Plúma °1 * Plúma °2 * Plúma °3 * PMAS Escrima * Pnahon * Po °1 * Po °2 * Po °3 * Pointed down * Pointed up * Pointman * Pondo * Pook * Porma1 * Pormá2 * Porma3 * Pormál * Pormá Ng Laban * Pormás * Posisyon * Pósporo °1 * Pósporo °2 * Prakcion * Prana * Prawas de Panastas * Presas, Remy Amador * Presas, Ernesto Amador * Presas, Roberto * Primera * Primero °1 * Primero °2 * Prinzip * Príto * Probléma * Propagánda * Pu * Pudpód * Pudung °1 * Pudung °2 * Pugay * Pugót * Pukpok * Puksá * Pulá °1 * Pula °2 * Pulang * Pulído * Puli-Puli * Pulô °1 * Puló °2 * Pulsó * Pulso-Pulso °1 * Pulso-Pulso °2 * Puluhan °1 * Puluhan °2 * Puluhán °3 * Pulúpot * Pumaríto * Pumaroón * Pumuntá * Punal * Pundador * Pung Ko * Púnit °1 * Púnit °2 * Púnit °3 * Punio °1 * Punio °2 * Punio °3 * Punio Sombrada * Punjo Sombrada * Punno °1 * Punno °2 * Puno °1 * Púno °2 * Púnò °3 * Puno °4 * Punô °5 * Punó °6 * Puno * Punong Guro1 * Punong Guro2 * Púnong kahoy * Punta1 * Punta2 * Puntá3 * Punta y Daga * Púnung-Gúro * Punyál * Punyo °1 * Punyo °2 * Punyo Mano * Pupuk * Púro * Puról °1 * Puról °2 * Pusà * Pusò * Púsod * Pusón1 * Pusón2 * Puter kepala * Putî °1 * Puti °2 * Pútik * Putók * Pútol * Putong * Putong Tagkus * Putúlin * Puwáng * Puwérsa °1 * Puwérsa °2 * Puwíng * Puwít * Progressive Filipino Fighting
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  • The definitions on this page originally appeared on the United States Environmental Protection Agency's website. Packaging: The assembly of one or more containers and any other components necessary to ensure minimum compliance with a program's storage and shipment packaging requirements. Also, the containers, etc. involved. Packed Bed Scrubber: An air pollution control device in which emissions pass through alkaline water to neutralize hydrogen chloride gas. Packed Tower: A pollution control device that forces dirty air through a tower packed with crushed rock or wood chips while liquid is sprayed over the packing material. The pollutants in the air stream either dissolve or chemically react with the liquid. Packer: An inflatable gland, or balloon, used to create a temporary seal in a borehole, probe hole, well, or drive casing. It is made of rubber or non-reactive materials. Palatable Water: Water, at a desirable temperature, that is free from objectionable tastes, odors, colors, and turbidity. Pandemic: A widespread epidemic throughout an area, nation or the world. Paper: In the recycling business, refers to products and materials, including newspapers, magazines, office papers, corrugated containers, bags and some paperboard packaging that can be recycled into new paper products. Paper Processor/Plastics Processor: Intermediate facility where recovered paper or plastic products and materials are sorted, decontaminated, and prepared for final recycling. Parameter: A variable, measurable property whose value is a determinant of the characteristics of a system; e.g. temperature, pressure, and density are parameters of the atmosphere. Paraquat: A standard herbicide used to kill various types of crops, including marijuana. Causes lung damage if smoke from the crop is inhaled.. Parshall Flume: Device used to measure the flow of water in an open channel. Part A Permit, Part B Permit: (See: Interim Permit Status.) Participation Rate: Portion of population participating in a recycling program. Particle Count: Results of a microscopic examination of treated water with a special "particle counter" that classifies suspended particles by number and size. Particulate Loading: The mass of particulates per unit volume of air or water. Particulates: 1. Fine liquid or solid particles such as dust, smoke, mist, fumes, or smog, found in air or emissions. 2. Very small solids suspended in water; they can vary in size, shape, density and electrical charge and can be gathered together by coagulation and flocculation. Partition Coefficient: Measure of the sorption phenomenon, whereby a pesticide is divided between the soil and water phase; also referred to as adsorption partition coefficient. Parts Per Billion (ppb)/Parts Per Million (ppm): Units commonly used to express contamination ratios, as in establishing the maximum permissible amount of a contaminant in water, land, or air. Passive Smoking/Secondhand Smoke: Inhalation of others' tobacco smoke. Passive Treatment Walls: Technology in which a chemical reaction takes place when contaminated ground water comes in contact with a barrier such as limestone or a wall containing iron filings. Pathogens: Microorganisms (e.g., bacteria, viruses, or parasites) that can cause disease in humans, animals and plants. Pathway: The physical course a chemical or pollutant takes from its source to the exposed organism. Pay-As-You-Throw/Unit-Based Pricing: Systems under which residents pay for municipal waste management and disposal services by weight or volume collected, not a fixed fee. Peak Electricity Demand: The maximum electricity used to meet the cooling load of a building or buildings in a given area. Peak Levels: Levels of airborne pollutant contaminants much higher than average or occurring for short periods of time in response to sudden releases. Percent Saturation: The amount of a substance that is dissolved in a solution compared to the amount that could be dissolved in it. Perched Water: Zone of unpressurized water held above the water table by impermeable rock or sediment. Percolating Water: Water that passes through rocks or soil under the force of gravity. Percolation: 1. The movement of water downward and radially through subsurface soil layers, usually continuing downward to ground water. Can also involve upward movement of water. 2. Slow seepage of water through a filter. Performance Bond: Cash or securities deposited before a landfill operating permit is issued, which are held to ensure that all requirements for operating ad subsequently closing the landfill are faithful performed. The money is returned to the owner after proper closure of the landfill is completed. If contamination or other problems appear at any time during operation, or upon closure, and are not addressed, the owner must forfeit all or part of the bond which is then used to cover clean-up costs. Performance Data (For Incinerators): Information collected, during a trial burn, on concentrations of designated organic compounds and pollutants found in incinerator emissions. Data analysis must show that the incinerator meets performance standards under operating conditions specified in the RCRA permit. (See: trial burn; performance standards.) Performance Standards: 1. Regulatory requirements limiting the concentrations of designated organic compounds, particulate matter, and hydrogen chloride in emissions from incinerators. 2. Operating standards established by EPA for various permitted pollution control systems, asbestos inspections, and various program operations and maintenance requirements. Periphyton: Microscopic underwater plants and animals that are firmly attached to solid surfaces such as rocks, logs, and pilings. Permeability: The rate at which liquids pass through soil or other materials in a specified direction. Permissible Dose: The dose of a chemical that may be received by an individual without the expectation of a significantly harmful result. Permissible Exposure Limit: Also referred to as PEL, federal limits for workplace exposure to contaminants as established by OSHA. Permit: An authorization, license, or equivalent control document issued by EPA or an approved state agency to implement the requirements of an environmental regulation; e.g. a permit to operate a wastewater treatment plant or to operate a facility that may generate harmful emissions. Persistence: Refers to the length of time a compound stays in the environment, once introduced. A compound may persist for less than a second or indefinitely. Persistent Pesticides: Pesticides that do not break down chemically or break down very slowly and remain in the environment after a growing season. Personal Air Samples: Air samples taken with a pump that is directly attached to the worker with the collecting filter and cassette placed in the worker's breathing zone (required under OSHA asbestos standards and EPA worker protection rule). Personal Measurement: A measurement collected from an individual's immediate environment. Personal Protective Equipment: Clothing and equipment worn by pesticide mixers, loaders and applicators and re-entry workers, hazmat emergency responders, workers cleaning up Superfund sites, et. al., which is worn to reduce their exposure to potentially hazardous chemicals and other pollutants. Pest: An insect, rodent, nematode, fungus, weed or other form of terrestrial or aquatic plant or animal life that is injurious to health or the environment. Pest Control Operator: Person or company that applies pesticides as a business (e.g. exterminator); usually describes household services, not agricultural applications. Pesticide: Substances or mixture there of intended for preventing, destroying, repelling, or mitigating any pest. Also, any substance or mixture intended for use as a plant regulator, defoliant, or desiccant. Pesticide Regulation Notice: Formal notice to pesticide registrants about important changes in regulatory policy, procedures, regulations. Pesticide Tolerance: The amount of pesticide residue allowed by law to remain in or on a harvested crop. EPA sets these levels well below the point where the compounds might be harmful to consumers. PETE (Polyethylene Terepthalate): Thermoplastic material used in plastic soft drink and rigid containers. Petroleum: Crude oil or any fraction thereof that is liquid under normal conditions of temperature and pressure. The term includes petroleum-based substances comprising a complex blend of hydrocarbons derived from crude oil through the process of separation, conversion, upgrading, and finishing, such as motor fuel, jet oil, lubricants, petroleum solvents, and used oil. Petroleum Derivatives: Chemicals formed when gasoline breaks down in contact with ground water. pH: An expression of the intensity of the basic or acid condition of a liquid; may range from 0 to 14, where 0 is the most acid and 7 is neutral. Natural waters usually have a pH between 6.5 and 8.5. Pharmacokinetics: The study of the way that drugs move through the body after they are swallowed or injected. Phenolphthalein Alkalinity: The alkalinity in a water sample measured by the amount of standard acid needed to lower the pH to a level of 8.3 as indicated by the change of color of the phenolphthalein from pink to clear. Phenols: Organic compounds that are byproducts of petroleum refining, tanning, and textile, dye, and resin manufacturing. Low concentrations cause taste and odor problems in water; higher concentrations can kill aquatic life and humans. Phosphates: Certain chemical compounds containing phosphorus. Phosphogypsum Piles (Stacks): Principal byproduct generated in production of phosphoric acid from phosphate rock. These piles may generate radioactive radon gas. Phosphorus: An essential chemical food element that can contribute to the eutrophication of lakes and other water bodies. Increased phosphorus levels result from discharge of phosphorus-containing materials into surface waters. Phosphorus Plants: Facilities using electric furnaces to produce elemental phosphorous for commercial use, such as high grade phosphoric acid, phosphate-based detergent, and organic chemicals use. Photochemical Oxidants: Air pollutants formed by the action of sunlight on oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons. Photochemical Smog: Air pollution caused by chemical reactions of various pollutants emitted from different sources. (See: photochemical oxidants.) Photosynthesis: The manufacture by plants of carbohydrates and oxygen from carbon dioxide mediated by chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight. Physical and Chemical Treatment: Processes generally used in large-scale wastewater treatment facilities. Physical processes may include air-stripping or filtration. Chemical treatment includes coagulation, chlorination, or ozonation. The term can also refer to treatment of toxic materials in surface and ground waters, oil spills, and some methods of dealing with hazardous materials on or in the ground. Phytoplankton: That portion of the plankton community comprised of tiny plants; e.g. algae, diatoms. Phytoremediation: Low-cost remediation option for sites with widely dispersed contamination at low concentrations. Phytotoxic: Harmful to plants. Phytotreatment: The cultivation of specialized plants that absorb specific contaminants from the soil through their roots or foliage. This reduces the concentration of contaminants in the soil, but incorporates them into biomasses that may be released back into the environment when the plant dies or is harvested. Picocuries Per Liter pCi/L): A unit of measure for levels of radon gas; becquerels per cubic meter is metric equivalent. Piezometer: A nonpumping well, generally of small diameter, for measuring the elevation of a water table. Pilot Tests: Testing a cleanup technology under actual site conditions to identify potential problems prior to full-scale implementation. Plankton: Tiny plants and animals that live in water. Plasma Arc Reactors: devices that use an electric arc to thermally decompose organic and inorganic materials at ultra-high temperatures into gases and a vitrified slag residue. A plasma arc reactor can operate as any of the following: * integral component of chemical, fuel, or electricity production systems, processing high or medium value organic compounds into a synthetic gas used as a fuel * materials recovery device, processing scrap to recover metal from the slag * destruction or incineration system, processing waste materials into slag and gases ignited inside of a secondary combustion chamber that follows the reactor Plasmid: A circular piece of DNA that exists apart from the chromosome and replicates independently of it. Bacterial plasmids carry information that renders the bacteria resistant to antibiotics. Plasmids are often used in genetic engineering to carry desired genes into organisms. Plastics: Non-metallic chemoreactive compounds molded into rigid or pliable construction materials, fabrics, etc. Plate Tower Scrubber: An air pollution control device that neutralizes hydrogen chloride gas by bubbling alkaline water through holes in a series of metal plates. Plug Flow: Type of flow the occurs in tanks, basins, or reactors when a slug of water moves through without ever dispersing or mixing with the rest of the water flowing through. Plugging: Act or process of stopping the flow of water, oil, or gas into or out of a formation through a borehole or well penetrating that formation. Plume: 1. A visible or measurable discharge of a contaminant from a given point of origin. Can be visible or thermal in water, or visible in the air as, for example, a plume of smoke. 2 The area of radiation leaking from a damaged reactor. 3. Area downwind within which a release could be dangerous for those exposed to leaking fumes. Plutonium: A radioactive metallic element chemically similar to uranium. PM-10/PM-2.5: PM 10 is measure of particles in the atmosphere with a diameter of less than ten or equal to a nominal 10 micrometers. PM-2.5 is a measure of smaller particles in the air. PM-10 has been the pollutant particulate level standard against which EPA has been measuring Clean Air Act compliance. On the basis of newer scientific findings, the Agency is considering regulations that will make PM-2.5 the new "standard". Pneumoconiosis: Health conditions characterized by permanent deposition of substantial amounts of particulate matter in the lungs and by the tissue reaction to its presence; can range from relatively harmless forms of sclerosis to the destructive fibrotic effect of silicosis. Point Source: A stationary location or fixed facility from which pollutants are discharged; any single identifiable source of pollution; e.g. a pipe, ditch, ship, ore pit, factory smokestack. Point-of-Contact Measurement of Exposure: Estimating exposure by measuring concentrations over time (while the exposure is taking place) at or near the place where it is occurring. Point-of-Disinfectant Application: The point where disinfectant is applied and water downstream of that point is not subject to recontamination by surface water runoff. Point-of-Use Treatment Device: Treatment device applied to a single tap to reduce contaminants in the drinking water at the one faucet. Pollen: The fertilizing element of flowering plants; background air pollutant. Pollutant: Generally, any substance introduced into the environment that adversely affects the usefulness of a resource or the health of humans, animals, or ecosystems.. Pollutant Pathways: Avenues for distribution of pollutants. In most buildings, for example, HVAC systems are the primary pathways although all building components can interact to affect how air movement distributes pollutants. Pollutant Standard Index (PSI): Indicator of one or more pollutants that may be used to inform the public about the potential for adverse health effects from air pollution in major cities. Pollution: Generally, the presence of a substance in the environment that because of its chemical composition or quantity prevents the functioning of natural processes and produces undesirable environmental and health effects. Under the Clean Water Act, for example, the term has been defined as the man-made or man-induced alteration of the physical, biological, chemical, and radiological integrity of water and other media. Pollution Prevention: 1. Identifying areas, processes, and activities which create excessive waste products or pollutants in order to reduce or prevent them through, alteration, or eliminating a process. Such activities, consistent with the Pollution Prevention Act of 1990, are conducted across all EPA programs and can involve cooperative efforts with such agencies as the Departments of Agriculture and Energy. 2. EPA has initiated a number of voluntary programs in which industrial, or commercial or "partners" join with EPA in promoting activities that conserve energy, conserve and protect water supply, reduce emissions or find ways of utilizing them as energy resources, and reduce the waste stream. Among these are: Agstar, to reduce methane emissions through manure management. Climate Wise, to lower industrial greenhouse-gas emissions and energy costs. Coalbed Methane Outreach, to boost methane recovery at coal mines. Design for the Environment, to foster including environmental considerations in product design and processes. Energy Star programs, to promote energy efficiency in commercial and residential buildings, office equipment, transformers, computers, office equipment, and home appliances. Environmental Accounting, to help businesses identify environmental costs and factor them into management decision making. Green Chemistry, to promote and recognize cost-effective breakthroughs in chemistry that prevent pollution. Green Lights, to spread the use of energy-efficient lighting technologies. Indoor Environments, to reduce risks from indoor-air pollution. Landfill Methane Outreach, to develop landfill gas-to-energy projects. Natural Gas Star, to reduce methane emissions from the natural gas industry. Ruminant Livestock Methane, to reduce methane emissions from ruminant livestock. Transportation Partners, to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from the transportation sector. Voluntary Aluminum Industrial Partnership, to reduce perfluorocarbon emissions from the primary aluminum industry. WAVE, to promote efficient water use in the lodging industry. Wastewi$e, to reduce business-generated solid waste through prevention, reuse, and recycling. (See: Common Sense Initiative and Project XL.) Polychlorinated Biphenyls: A group of toxic, persistent chemicals used in electrical transformers and capacitors for insulating purposes, and in gas pipeline systems as lubricant. The sale and new use of these chemicals, also known as PCBs, were banned by law in 1979. Portal-of-Entry Effect: A local effect produced in the tissue or organ of first contact between a toxicant and the biological system. Polonium: A radioactive element that occurs in pitchblende and other uranium-containing ores. Polyelectrolytes: Synthetic chemicals that help solids to clump during sewage treatment. Polymer: A natural or synthetic chemical structure where two or more like molecules are joined to form a more complex molecular structure (e.g. polyethylene in plastic). Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC): A tough, environmentally indestructible plastic that releases hydrochloric acid when burned. Population: A group of interbreeding organisms occupying a particular space; the number of humans or other living creatures in a designated area. Population at Risk: A population subgroup that is more likely to be exposed to a chemical, or is more sensitive to the chemical, than is the general population. Porosity: Degree to which soil, gravel, sediment, or rock is permeated with pores or cavities through which water or air can move. Post-Chlorination: Addition of chlorine to plant effluent for disinfectant purposes after the effluent has been treated. Post-Closure: The time period following the shutdown of a waste management or manufacturing facility; for monitoring purposes, often considered to be 30 years. Post-Consumer Materials/Waste: Materials or finished products that have served their intended use and have been diverted or recovered from waste destined for disposal, having completed their lives as consumer items. Postconsumer materials are part of the broader category of recovered materials. Post-Consumer Recycling: Use of materials generated from residential and consumer waste for new or similar purposes; e.g. converting wastepaper from offices into corrugated boxes or newsprint. Potable Water: Water that is safe for drinking and cooking. Potential Dose: The amount of a compound contained in material swallowed, breathed, or applied to the skin. Potentially Responsible Party (PRP): Any individual or company--including owners, operators, transporters or generators--potentially responsible for, or contributing to a spill or other contamination at a Superfund site. Whenever possible, through administrative and legal actions, EPA requires PRPs to clean up hazardous sites they have contaminated. Potentiation: The ability of one chemical to increase the effect of another chemical. Potentiometric Surface: The surface to which water in an aquifer can rise by hydrostatic pressure. Precautionary Principle: When information about potential risks is incomplete, basing decisions about the best ways to manage or reduce risks on a preference for avoiding unnecessary health risks instead of on unnecessary economic expenditures. Pre-Consumer Materials/Waste: Materials generated in manufacturing and converting processes such as manufacturing scrap and trimmings and cuttings. Includes print overruns, overissue publications, and obsolete inventories. Pre-Harvest Interval: The time between the last pesticide application and harvest of the treated crops. Prechlorination: The addition of chlorine at the headworks of a treatment plant prior to other treatment processes. Done mainly for disinfection and control of tastes, odors, and aquatic growths, and to aid in coagulation and settling, Precipitate: A substance separated from a solution or suspension by chemical or physical change. Precipitation: Removal of hazardous solids from liquid waste to permit safe disposal; removal of particles from airborne emissions as in rain (e.g. acid precipitation). Precipitator: Pollution control device that collects particles from an air stream. Precursor: In photochemistry, a compound antecedent to a pollutant. For example, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitric oxides of nitrogen react in sunlight to form ozone or other photochemical oxidants. As such, VOCs and oxides of nitrogen are precursors. Preliminary Assessment: The process of collecting and reviewing available information about a known or suspected waste site or release. Prescriptive: Water rights which are acquired by diverting water and putting it to use in accordance with specified procedures; e.g. filing a request with a state agency to use unused water in a stream, river, or lake. Pressed Wood Products: Materials used in building and furniture construction that are made from wood veneers, particles, or fibers bonded together with an adhesive under heat and pressure. Pressure Sewers: A system of pipes in which water, wastewater, or other liquid is pumped to a higher elevation. Pressure, Static: In flowing air, the total pressure minus velocity pressure, pushing equally in all directions. Pressure, Total: In flowing air, the sum of the static and velocity pressures. Pressure, Velocity: In flowing air, the pressure due to velocity and density of air. Pretreatment: Processes used to reduce, eliminate, or alter the nature of wastewater pollutants from non-domestic sources before they are discharged into publicly owned treatment works (POTWs). Prevalent Level Samples: Air samples taken under normal conditions (also known as ambient background samples). Prevalent Levels: Levels of airborne contaminant occurring under normal conditions. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD): EPA program in which state and/or federal permits are required in order to restrict emissions from new or modified sources in places where air quality already meets or exceeds primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. Primacy: Having the primary responsibility for administering and enforcing regulations. Primary Drinking Water Regulation: Applies to public water systems and specifies a contaminant level, which, in the judgment of the EPA Administrator, will not adversely affect human health. Primary Effect: An effect where the stressor acts directly on the ecological component of interest, not on other parts of the ecosystem. (See: secondary effect.) Primary Standards: National ambient air quality standards designed to protect human health with an adequate margin for safety. (See: National Ambient Air Quality Standards, secondary standards.) Primary Treatment: First stage of wastewater treatment in which solids are removed by screening and settling. Primary Waste Treatment: First steps in wastewater treatment; screens and sedimentation tanks are used to remove most materials that float or will settle. Primary treatment removes about 30 percent of carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand from domestic sewage. Principal Organic Hazardous Constituents (POHCs): Hazardous compounds monitored during an incinerator's trial burn, selected for high concentration in the waste feed and difficulty of combustion. Prions: Microscopic particles made of protein that can cause disease. Prior Appropriation: A doctrine of water law that allocates the rights to use water on a first-come, first-served basis. Probability of Detection : The likelihood, expressed as a percentage, that a test method will correctly identify a leaking tank. Process Variable: A physical or chemical quantity which is usually measured and controlled in the operation of a water treatment plant or industrial plant. Process Verification: Verifying that process raw materials, water usage, waste treatment processes, production rate and other facts relative to quantity and quality of pollutants contained in discharges are substantially described in the permit application and the issued permit. Process Wastewater: Any water that comes into contact with any raw material, product, byproduct, or waste. Process Weight: Total weight of all materials, including fuel, used in a manufacturing process; used to calculate the allowable particulate emission rate. Producers: Plants that perform photosynthesis and provide food to consumers. Product Level: The level of a product in a storage tank. Product Water: Water that has passed through a water treatment plant and is ready to be delivered to consumers. Products of Incomplete Combustion (PICs): Organic compounds formed by combustion. Usually generated in small amounts and sometimes toxic, PICs are heat-altered versions of the original material fed into the incinerator (e.g. charcoal is a P.I.C. from burning wood). Project XL: An EPA initiative to give states and the regulated community the flexibility to develop comprehensive strategies as alternatives to multiple current regulatory requirements in order to exceed compliance and increase overall environmental benefits. Propellant: Liquid in a self-pressurized pesticide product that expels the active ingredient from its container. Proportionate Mortality Ratio (PMR): The number of deaths from a specific cause in a specific period of time per 100 deaths from all causes in the same time period. Proposed Plan: A plan for a site cleanup that is available to the public for comment. Proteins: Complex nitrogenous organic compounds of high molecular weight made of amino acids; essential for growth and repair of animal tissue. Many, but not all, proteins are enzymes. Protocol: A series of formal steps for conducting a test. Protoplast: A membrane-bound cell from which the outer wall has been partially or completely removed. The term often is applied to plant cells. Protozoa: One-celled animals that are larger and more complex than bacteria. May cause disease. Public Comment Period: The time allowed for the public to express its views and concerns regarding an action by EPA (e.g. a Federal Register Notice of proposed rule-making, a public notice of a draft permit, or a Notice of Intent to Deny). Public Health Approach: Regulatory and voluntary focus on effective and feasible risk management actions at the national and community level to reduce human exposures and risks, with priority given to reducing exposures with the biggest impacts in terms of the number affected and severity of effect. Public Health Context: The incidence, prevalence, and severity of diseases in communities or populations and the factors that account for them, including infections, exposure to pollutants, and other exposures or activities. Public Hearing: A formal meeting wherein EPA officials hear the public's views and concerns about an EPA action or proposal. EPA is required to consider such comments when evaluating its actions. Public hearings must be held upon request during the public comment period. Public Notice: 1. Notification by EPA informing the public of Agency actions such as the issuance of a draft permit or scheduling of a hearing. EPA is required to ensure proper public notice, including publication in newspapers and broadcast over radio and television stations. 2. In the safe drinking water program, water suppliers are required to publish and broadcast notices when pollution problems are discovered. Public Water System: A system that provides piped water for human consumption to at least 15 service connections or regularly serves 25 individuals. Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs): A waste-treatment works owned by a state, unit of local government, or Indian tribe, usually designed to treat domestic wastewaters. Pumping Station: Mechanical device installed in sewer or water system or other liquid-carrying pipelines to move the liquids to a higher level. Pumping Test: A test conducted to determine aquifer or well characteristics. Purging: Removing stagnant air or water from sampling zone or equipment prior to sample collection. Putrefaction: Biological decomposition of organic matter; associated with anaerobic conditions. Putrescible: Able to rot quickly enough to cause odors and attract flies. Pyrolysis: Decomposition of a chemical by extreme heat.
  • P is the son of A and is the current Raikage in Naruto: Next Generation.
  • P steht für: * Peyote - Lophophora williamsii, ein Mescalin-haltiger Kaktus * Proscalin - 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-propoxy-PEA (in PIHKAL)
  • P One of the three five four five six mods of the MS Elegante Livejournal roleplaying game. She's Canadian, she's a fan of exercise, practicing muay thai, french movies, techno music and pretentiously listening to music on vinyl. She even has a record player. Whatta hipster! She's gay for Kage. And wants mah pen15. WHAT D8< YOU KNOW YOU DO, STOP LYING TO YOUR SELF BB B| Also, she likes REAL Porn.
  • Paragliding 滑翔運動 Pole 馬球 Pole Vault 撐竿跳 Ping-Pong 乒乓球 Paintball 漆彈射擊 Parakiting 風箏傘滑翔 Pitch Out (棒球)故意投壞球
  • P,是包括英文在内,欧洲高达八成的国家的语言的第十六个字母,基本上这个字母没什么特别意义,虽然语言学家们觉得它只是一个普通的字母,但是日常生活中有高达九成九的狗官都会使用这个字母并认为其有特殊意义。
  • "P" is an original, non-lexical VOCALOID song featuring Hatsune Miku. The entire song is made up of Hatsune Miku repeating the letter "P" throughout its run time. The song flows through a variety of genres, including trap, swing, electro and techno mixes.
  • [[categoria:Codici e simboli_in_]] 1. * simbolo chimico del fosforo.
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