  • Nibbling Gramsters/Plot Details
  • Peelungers
  • Grunnies were nasty little bright-green bunnies developed as lab animals for G-Corp experiments. Like most G-Corp experiments, it all went horribly, terribly wrong. You can ask Cindy Donivihn about it when you get to Barton, if you'd like to know more.
  • Find out more about them? What does that mean?
  • Gramster 5/5
  • Improbability Sphere
  • Knife Sharpen
  • Good answer! So, when you were out on your first errand, you may have seen some odd green hamsters crawling around. We're not exactly sure where they came from, but those 'Gramsters' seem very similar to Grunnies, and I'd like you to find out more about them.
  • Rock Armor
  • So...? How did it go?
  • What are Grunnies?
  • You can take your pick from these rings:
  • The Improbablity Sphere can be used on any of your allies to create a little pocket universe around them where really unlikely things sometimes occur. In the case of this ring,t he result is that attacks directed at your ally will something rebound and bounce back at the attacker instead of hitting your ally! It doesn't always work, but when it does, it's very useful.
  • Knife Sharpen can be used on any allied to steady their nerves and sharpen their eyesight so they can focus ring attacks more accurately.
  • It means 'pound the snot out of them'. Is that clear enough for you?
  • Well, you've got the basics down, but you should probably talk to Barry about some of the stranger qualities of rings. He's been doing a little research of his own.
  • That's the kind of score I like to hear. You're doing exemplary work out in the field. You have the potential to lead a crew someday. Maybe it's time to let you choose a ring that will help out your future allies.
  • Now that you're a little wiser in the ways of combat, ready to tackle something a little tougher?
  • I think you'll be very happy with that choice. Use it wisely!
  • Any time, [name]. If what you've learned helps Barton stand strong against the Animated, then it was time well-spent. Good luck out there, citizen!
  • Rock Armor creates a shell of granite around any ally target. The rock is fairly thin, so some damage might get through, but it's really useful and it lasts several minutes before you'll need to renew it.
  • Right. Go find a group of the Gramsters and create some mayhem with your new rings. Come back when you've dispatched enough of them to get a feel for combat.
  • You found a new Knife Sharpen / Improbability Sphere / Rock Armor ring!
  • Dani
  • notice
  • ring
  • Do a Lap!
  • Dani