  • The Phantom Pain/Mecha
  • EXO-SKULL is the designation to various models of weaponizable mechs in The Phantom Pain. Like previous entity of the game, this giant mech has a type of fuel to power them, and can be used in battle at any time, mostly for any weapons. EXO-SKULL normally have one pilot and generally have a vaguely humanoid form, though there are exceptions to both of these rules. Several pilots/drivers may only acquire an EXO-SKULL later in the episode, as only New Agency members with a EXO-SKULL license are allowed to use them. EXO-SKULL have breakable parts (such as one losing its arm in battle) that will prevent them from using certain weapons until the damage is repaired. Several EXO-SKULL models can transform into different types of vehicles, such as a the FENCER SKULL transforming into a motorcycle-
  • EXO-SKULL is the designation to various models of weaponizable mechs in The Phantom Pain. Like previous entity of the game, this giant mech has a type of fuel to power them, and can be used in battle at any time, mostly for any weapons. EXO-SKULL normally have one pilot and generally have a vaguely humanoid form, though there are exceptions to both of these rules. Several pilots/drivers may only acquire an EXO-SKULL later in the episode, as only New Agency members with a EXO-SKULL license are allowed to use them. EXO-SKULL have breakable parts (such as one losing its arm in battle) that will prevent them from using certain weapons until the damage is repaired. Several EXO-SKULL models can transform into different types of vehicles, such as a the FENCER SKULL transforming into a motorcycle-like vehicle. Some EXO-SKULLS can also transform into an armed van or watercraft.