  • Natural language
  • Natural language is
  • A natural language (or ordinary language) is spoken, written, or signed for general-purpose communication, as distinguished from computer programming languages and mathematical logic. Natural language is often contrasted with artificial or constructed languages. Linguists are objects of study with languages. The theory of universal grammar proposes that all natural languages have certain underlying rules which constrain the structure of the specific grammar for any given language.
  • Natural language is
  • A natural language (or ordinary language) is spoken, written, or signed for general-purpose communication, as distinguished from computer programming languages and mathematical logic. Natural language is often contrasted with artificial or constructed languages. Linguists are objects of study with languages. The understanding of natural languages reveals much about not only how language works (in terms of syntax, semantics, phonetics, phonology, etc), but also about how the human mind and the human brain process language. In linguistic terms, 'natural language' only applies to a language that has evolved naturally, and the study of natural language primarily involves native (first language) speakers. The theory of universal grammar proposes that all natural languages have certain underlying rules which constrain the structure of the specific grammar for any given language. While grammarians, writers of dictionaries, and language policy-makers all have a certain influence on the evolution of language, their ability to influence what people think they 'ought' to say is distinct from what people actually say. Natural language applies to the latter, and is thus a 'descriptive' rather than a 'prescriptive' term. Thus non-standard language varieties (such as African American Vernacular English) are as natural as standard language varieties (such as Standard American English).