  • Vilful
  • Vilful is one of the Twin Cities of the Beasteloch. Vilful, and Balfol sit on opposite sides of a gorge, which the River Arter once ran through. The River Arter was dammed by Erzwife soldiers looking to rebel from King-that-Kills-Kings Ristt Blot, redirecting the river to Erzwife, which was renamed Damtonne. Both cities are fine by this since Damtonne pays hefty taxes to Calthoss for damming the river, and have also joined her and the Duke Sweet Home Castle in open rebellion against Crahia. Vilful was on the side of Billow when he was in conflict with his sister. Later, the city is invaded by Farro.
  • Vilful is one of the Twin Cities of the Beasteloch. Vilful, and Balfol sit on opposite sides of a gorge, which the River Arter once ran through. The River Arter was dammed by Erzwife soldiers looking to rebel from King-that-Kills-Kings Ristt Blot, redirecting the river to Erzwife, which was renamed Damtonne. Both cities are fine by this since Damtonne pays hefty taxes to Calthoss for damming the river, and have also joined her and the Duke Sweet Home Castle in open rebellion against Crahia. Vilful was on the side of Billow when he was in conflict with his sister. Later, the city is invaded by Farro.