  • Pure Cross (3.5e Equipment)
  • A longsword that converts the user's belief in his/her cause into raw holy power. Once an ordinary weapon used by the Order of Light - the ruling power of the land of Nyuusen - this weapon was given to a brave, idealistic warrior who recognized the corruption in the Order of Light and sought to purge the malign influence from its ranks. His faith in his own deity supercharged this longsword into a potent tool for eliminating corruption and restoring chivalry and justice.
Author name
  • Luigifan18
date created
  • 2012-09-22
  • Complete
  • A longsword that converts the user's belief in his/her cause into raw holy power. Once an ordinary weapon used by the Order of Light - the ruling power of the land of Nyuusen - this weapon was given to a brave, idealistic warrior who recognized the corruption in the Order of Light and sought to purge the malign influence from its ranks. His faith in his own deity supercharged this longsword into a potent tool for eliminating corruption and restoring chivalry and justice.