  • T'achak T'andar
  • T'achak T'andar was a male Chadra-Fan with a passion for speed and racing. Originally a design engineer, T'andar found the work boring and became a test pilot for prototype airspeeders and landspeeders. He was known to push vehicles to their very limits in order to test them thoroughly, but his penchant for joyriding and racing the prototypes—along with gambling on the result—meant that he could not keep in steady employment. T'andar joined the New Republic, and despite their best efforts to place him in a role where he could not get into trouble, he was eventually transferred to Page's Commandos as a support operative. Following the liberation of Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY, T'andar was transferred to the CR90 corvette FarStar to serve as its repulsorlift chief. The ship had been assigned to tra
  • Black
  • *New Republic **Page's Commandos **FarStar
  • T'achak T'andar
  • New Republic
  • T'achak T'andar was a male Chadra-Fan with a passion for speed and racing. Originally a design engineer, T'andar found the work boring and became a test pilot for prototype airspeeders and landspeeders. He was known to push vehicles to their very limits in order to test them thoroughly, but his penchant for joyriding and racing the prototypes—along with gambling on the result—meant that he could not keep in steady employment. T'andar joined the New Republic, and despite their best efforts to place him in a role where he could not get into trouble, he was eventually transferred to Page's Commandos as a support operative. Following the liberation of Kal'Shebbol in 8 ABY, T'andar was transferred to the CR90 corvette FarStar to serve as its repulsorlift chief. The ship had been assigned to track down the rogue Imperial warlord Moff Kentor Sarne, who had fled from Kal'Shebbol with the majority of his forces in the wake of the New Republic's assault on the planet. T'andar spent the majority of the mission looking after the corvette's small detachment of ground vehicles.