  • Bullshit Bandito
  • Swiped from Google Images on the 5th. of September, 2008, it is the hope of the writer that 'The Bullshit Bandito' will be used when the written word is delivered falsely though as a most sincere form of the warm, hopefully formed, mass that it is. "The Bullshit Bandito" is not alone in the world. Nay, he has familia! Tios (Uncles and Aunts), Abuelos (Grandparents), Primos (Cousins), Hijos (Brothers and Sisters), Ninos (Children), and Amigos (Friends). Other casual collquialisms of an extended familia also serve to aid the avid reader in acknowleding when their chain is being 'yanked'.
  • Swiped from Google Images on the 5th. of September, 2008, it is the hope of the writer that 'The Bullshit Bandito' will be used when the written word is delivered falsely though as a most sincere form of the warm, hopefully formed, mass that it is. "The Bullshit Bandito" is not alone in the world. Nay, he has familia! Tios (Uncles and Aunts), Abuelos (Grandparents), Primos (Cousins), Hijos (Brothers and Sisters), Ninos (Children), and Amigos (Friends). Other casual collquialisms of an extended familia also serve to aid the avid reader in acknowleding when their chain is being 'yanked'.