  • Gomez
  • Gomez
  • Gomez
  • Gomez
  • Gomez
  • Gomez fu uno dei primi prigionieri a essere condotti nella Colonia, insieme ai futuri Baroni delle miniere. Questo gli permise, in seguito alla creazione della Barriera magica e alla rivolta dei Minatori, di prendere il potere in qualità di signore del castello. Nel corso della trama principale, egli sarà responsabile dell'uccisione dei Maghi del Fuoco, quando tenteranno di mettere in discussione i suoi ordini di invadere la Miniera Libera, dopo il crollo della Vecchia Miniera e la conseguente perdita di potere di Gomez.
  • Gomez is a human wizard and a member of the White Council. He first appears in Summer Knight.
  • Gomez was a member of the kitchen staff at The White House who spoke Portuguese and Batak. He was involved in the translation chain with Minaldi and Rahmadi Sumahidjo Bambang until it was revealed Bambang spoke English.
  • Gomez – postać, występująca w Gothic, przywódca Starego Obozu i najpotężniejszy z magnatów.
  • She undertook the commission to re-discover the lost world of Mordane for her client, Caroline, with the assistance of First Officer Jitan Chandra. In spite of damage to the ship on landing and risking nightfall at a time when the dead walked, a safe departure was eventually made from the re-discovered planet. (PROSE: The Graves of Mordane)
  • Gomez was a student at Dakota Union High School.
  • Gomez is a Petty Officer assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise who was seen giving NCIS Special Agent Caitlin Todd directions on how to get the Urine Anaylis Co-Ordinator's office although she kept getting lost a few times.
  • On a fateful night which leads to the end of the world, Liz and Max skip the Gomez concert in Santa Fe to consummate their relationship. ("The End of the World")
  • Lt. Gomez was a watch commander with the Los Angeles Police Department in the mid-1990s.
  • Gomez was a passenger on SouthCoast Flight 397, traveling from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 7 1994. Later that year, Dana Scully saw Gomez' name written on an airline passenger manifest while searching for Fox Mulder. (TXF: "Little Green Men")
  • Gomez is a slender man with a dark complexion and a thin moustache. Frank and Joe Hardy originally encounter him when he dives off of the North Lines vessel, the Dorado after being shot at. They rescue him from the water but he runs away when they reach land and are confronted by a man claiming to be an immigration officer.
  • Gomez invariable [goˈmeθ] 1. * nom de famille, variante moins fréquente de Gómez
  • Gomez ist laut Diego der mächstigste Mann in der Kolonie. Er sitzt im altem Lager in der Burg, wo später Garond sitzt. Der namenlose Held trifft auf ihn um sich dem Alten Lager anzuschließen. Gomez hat eine rechte Hand namens Raven. Gomez ist außerdem sehr aggresiv, denn beim kleinsten Ausrutscher geht er mit seinem Schwert, Innos Zorn, auf dich los. Gomez gehört die Alte Mine, doch als diese einstürzt besetzt Gomez die Freie Mine. Da die Feuermagier etwas gegen die Besetzung hatten, ließ Gomez sie töten. Nach diesem Vorfall wird Gomez zum Feind aller Wassermagier. Milten ist der einzige Feuermagier, welcher überlebt hat. thumb|201px|Gomez auf seinem Thron
Posiadana Broń
Miejsce urzędowania
  • Gomez
  • Gomez .png
Przedmiot kradzieży
  • Kradzież niemożliwa
Kod na przywołanie
  • Ebr_100_Gomez
Posiadana Zbroja
Miejsce zamieszkania
Poziom postaci
  • 100
  • Kitchen staff
Voiced by
  • Uncredited
  • Nie żyje
  • Brown
  • Gomez
  • Petty Officer Gomez in the Season 1 episode, "High Seas".
  • Human
  • Humanoid
  • show
  • The Graves of Mordane
  • Male
  • 1
wikipage disambiguates
  • Gomez fu uno dei primi prigionieri a essere condotti nella Colonia, insieme ai futuri Baroni delle miniere. Questo gli permise, in seguito alla creazione della Barriera magica e alla rivolta dei Minatori, di prendere il potere in qualità di signore del castello. Nel corso della trama principale, egli sarà responsabile dell'uccisione dei Maghi del Fuoco, quando tenteranno di mettere in discussione i suoi ordini di invadere la Miniera Libera, dopo il crollo della Vecchia Miniera e la conseguente perdita di potere di Gomez.
  • Gomez is a human wizard and a member of the White Council. He first appears in Summer Knight.
  • Gomez was a member of the kitchen staff at The White House who spoke Portuguese and Batak. He was involved in the translation chain with Minaldi and Rahmadi Sumahidjo Bambang until it was revealed Bambang spoke English.
  • Gomez – postać, występująca w Gothic, przywódca Starego Obozu i najpotężniejszy z magnatów.
  • She undertook the commission to re-discover the lost world of Mordane for her client, Caroline, with the assistance of First Officer Jitan Chandra. In spite of damage to the ship on landing and risking nightfall at a time when the dead walked, a safe departure was eventually made from the re-discovered planet. (PROSE: The Graves of Mordane)
  • Gomez was a student at Dakota Union High School.
  • Gomez is a Petty Officer assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise who was seen giving NCIS Special Agent Caitlin Todd directions on how to get the Urine Anaylis Co-Ordinator's office although she kept getting lost a few times.
  • On a fateful night which leads to the end of the world, Liz and Max skip the Gomez concert in Santa Fe to consummate their relationship. ("The End of the World")
  • Lt. Gomez was a watch commander with the Los Angeles Police Department in the mid-1990s.
  • Gomez was a passenger on SouthCoast Flight 397, traveling from Washington, D.C. to Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 7 1994. Later that year, Dana Scully saw Gomez' name written on an airline passenger manifest while searching for Fox Mulder. (TXF: "Little Green Men")
  • Gomez is a slender man with a dark complexion and a thin moustache. Frank and Joe Hardy originally encounter him when he dives off of the North Lines vessel, the Dorado after being shot at. They rescue him from the water but he runs away when they reach land and are confronted by a man claiming to be an immigration officer.
  • Gomez invariable [goˈmeθ] 1. * nom de famille, variante moins fréquente de Gómez
  • Gomez ist laut Diego der mächstigste Mann in der Kolonie. Er sitzt im altem Lager in der Burg, wo später Garond sitzt. Der namenlose Held trifft auf ihn um sich dem Alten Lager anzuschließen. Gomez hat eine rechte Hand namens Raven. Gomez ist außerdem sehr aggresiv, denn beim kleinsten Ausrutscher geht er mit seinem Schwert, Innos Zorn, auf dich los. Gomez gehört die Alte Mine, doch als diese einstürzt besetzt Gomez die Freie Mine. Da die Feuermagier etwas gegen die Besetzung hatten, ließ Gomez sie töten. Nach diesem Vorfall wird Gomez zum Feind aller Wassermagier. Milten ist der einzige Feuermagier, welcher überlebt hat. thumb|201px|Gomez auf seinem Thron
is Właściciel of
is Dowódcy 2. strony of
is Zarządca gildii of
is Role of
is Posiadacz of
is Zarządca of