  • Pyatigorsk
  • Pyatigorsk, meaning "five mountains" in the Russian language, is a city in the Southern Federal District of Russia. The city looks picturesque set in the background of the Caucasian mountain range overlooking the city. The city is famous for its health spa with mineral springs, which are very popular since 1803. However, reference to the spa is found in the memoirs of 14th century traveller, Ibn Batuta. From Pyatigorsk you may embark on a number of tourist destinations of this region of Russia.
  • Pyatigorsk, meaning "five mountains" in the Russian language, is a city in the Southern Federal District of Russia. The city looks picturesque set in the background of the Caucasian mountain range overlooking the city. The city is famous for its health spa with mineral springs, which are very popular since 1803. However, reference to the spa is found in the memoirs of 14th century traveller, Ibn Batuta. From Pyatigorsk you may embark on a number of tourist destinations of this region of Russia.