  • Goblin (Tactics Advance)
  • Goblins in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are the first race of enemies encountered in the game. Goblins are blue, in contrast to their stronger counterparts, the Red Caps. While they make for an interesting battle, Goblins are usually easy to defeat. Goblins are found in at least one mission in almost every one of the earlier locations. Their attack, Goblin Punch, misses often, but when it does hit the target, it usually inflicts only a small amount of damage.
  • Goblins in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance are the first race of enemies encountered in the game. Goblins are blue, in contrast to their stronger counterparts, the Red Caps. While they make for an interesting battle, Goblins are usually easy to defeat. Goblins are found in at least one mission in almost every one of the earlier locations. Their attack, Goblin Punch, misses often, but when it does hit the target, it usually inflicts only a small amount of damage.