  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare : * Société d'économie mixte de transport de l'aglomération grenobloiseCatégorie:Gare (SEMITAG).
  • During the Great War, the Germans mounted an attack from Alsace-Lorraine into eastern France, where they won the Battle of Verdun. In 1941, France demanded the return of the territory; when Kaiser Wilhelm III refused the ultimatum, the Second Great War began. Early on in the war, the French managed to overrun the province, but failed to cross the Rhine River. The Germans then began the liberation of Alsace-Lorraine in conjunction with the liberation of the Holland and Belgium.
  • Alsace (French: France; German: Elsaß or Deutschland; Alsatian: Elsàss; Latin: Alsatia) and Lorraine (French: France; German: Deutschland or Lothringen; Lorrain: Louréne) are both regions in direct contact with Germany in France that have long pretended to be German in face of encroachment of the French from the west. The typical French mentality, however, is unwilling to let the area go save that the world begins to see that there are really no redeeming qualities to their own country. Alsace-Lorraine has long been home to many castles built by early Germans to help stop the French encroachment, these however were unfortunately outmoded when the French began to manufacture more annoying Frenchmen. Measures taken nowadays include laying rat traps and spraying poison behind all home refrige
  • Alsace-Lorraine (German: Elsaß-Lothringen) is a free land (gebiete) and constituent country of Großgermania. Comprising the territory of the Free Republic of Alsace-Lorraine, which declared independence from France shortly before the foundation of Großgermania, it consists of a single province, which exists for administrative reasons only and has no political or economic government. Alsace-Lorraine is ruled by a Governor appointed by the Emperor, with the approval of the National Assembly of Alsace-Lorraine. The current Governor is Wilhelm Weiss.
  • Alsace-Lorraine , 1. * , Territoire composé de l’Alsace et de la Moselle, faisant partie de l’Empire allemand entre 1871 et 1918. 2. * Plaise au Reichstag décider que les populations d'Alsace-Lorraine qui, sans avoir été consultées, ont été annexés à l'Empire germanique par le traité de Francfort, soient appelées à se prononcer spécialement sur cette annexion. 3. * Une feuille humoristique de Berlin raconte qu'un étranger, frais débarqué dans cette ville, se plaignait de n'y point trouver de décrotteurs; rien d'étonnant, lui fut-il répondu, ils sont tous kreisdirector (sous-préfets) en Alsace-Lorraine. 4. * Ce territoire, en tant que région Frantsaye, avec ses particularismes. 5. * Le protestantisme en Alsace-Lorraine. * Alsace-Moselle * Frantsa de l’
  • Governor
  • Grenoble
  • 35
  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Constituent Country of Großgermania
  • Grenoble TAG.JPG
  • *La gare de Alsace-Lorraine, sur la commune de Grenoble , est ouverte en 1987Catégorie:1987 par la Société d'économie mixte de transport de l'aglomération grenobloise. Elle est située sur les lignes Tram A et Tram B.
national anthem
official languages
  • ,
national motto
  • Freiheit für unser Vaterland!
  • Wilhelm Weiss
  • AlsaceLorraine lijnA TFS2.jpg
  • France
government type
  • Alsatian
formation date
  • 2008-12-12
  • Flag of Großgermania#Alsace-Lorraine
  • Een Alstom TFS2 tram op lijn A
Time Zone
  • UTC +1
image flag
  • Alsace-Lorraine.svg
  • Grenoble
  • *Grenoble.
nation name
  • Alsace-Lorraine
  • Elsaß-Lothringen
  • Compagnie(s) deservant(s) la gare : * Société d'économie mixte de transport de l'aglomération grenobloiseCatégorie:Gare (SEMITAG).
  • During the Great War, the Germans mounted an attack from Alsace-Lorraine into eastern France, where they won the Battle of Verdun. In 1941, France demanded the return of the territory; when Kaiser Wilhelm III refused the ultimatum, the Second Great War began. Early on in the war, the French managed to overrun the province, but failed to cross the Rhine River. The Germans then began the liberation of Alsace-Lorraine in conjunction with the liberation of the Holland and Belgium.
  • Alsace-Lorraine (German: Elsaß-Lothringen) is a free land (gebiete) and constituent country of Großgermania. Comprising the territory of the Free Republic of Alsace-Lorraine, which declared independence from France shortly before the foundation of Großgermania, it consists of a single province, which exists for administrative reasons only and has no political or economic government. Alsace-Lorraine is ruled by a Governor appointed by the Emperor, with the approval of the National Assembly of Alsace-Lorraine. The current Governor is Wilhelm Weiss. Alsace-Lorraine comprises territory that had been passed between Germany and France several times throughout history. The territorial entity that is Alsace-Lorraine was first created by the German Empire following the Franco-Prussian War when it annexed both the Alsace province of France as well as the Moselle district of Lorraine, calling the area the Imperial Territory of Alsace-Lorraine (Reichsland Elsaß-Lothringen). Re-acquired by France following the First World War, Alsace-Lorraine became the site of heavy fighting during the Second World War as the Großdetsches Reich struggled to capture the Maginot Line of fortifications. In February 2008, Alsace-Lorraine declared independence from France as the Free Republic of Alsace-Lorraine. Seeking protection from France, who was in the process of constructing a large military base over much of the Belgian Ardennes, Alsace-Lorraine joined the Association of Germanic States in September, becoming a free land of Großgermania in December.
  • Alsace-Lorraine , 1. * , Territoire composé de l’Alsace et de la Moselle, faisant partie de l’Empire allemand entre 1871 et 1918. 2. * Plaise au Reichstag décider que les populations d'Alsace-Lorraine qui, sans avoir été consultées, ont été annexés à l'Empire germanique par le traité de Francfort, soient appelées à se prononcer spécialement sur cette annexion. 3. * Une feuille humoristique de Berlin raconte qu'un étranger, frais débarqué dans cette ville, se plaignait de n'y point trouver de décrotteurs; rien d'étonnant, lui fut-il répondu, ils sont tous kreisdirector (sous-préfets) en Alsace-Lorraine. 4. * Ce territoire, en tant que région Frantsaye, avec ses particularismes. 5. * Le protestantisme en Alsace-Lorraine. * Alsace-Moselle * Frantsa de l’intérieur * alsacien-lorrain * Alsacien-Lorrain * Allemagne (1871-1918) ; France (1918- ) * : ; ; * *
  • Alsace (French: France; German: Elsaß or Deutschland; Alsatian: Elsàss; Latin: Alsatia) and Lorraine (French: France; German: Deutschland or Lothringen; Lorrain: Louréne) are both regions in direct contact with Germany in France that have long pretended to be German in face of encroachment of the French from the west. The typical French mentality, however, is unwilling to let the area go save that the world begins to see that there are really no redeeming qualities to their own country. Alsace-Lorraine has long been home to many castles built by early Germans to help stop the French encroachment, these however were unfortunately outmoded when the French began to manufacture more annoying Frenchmen. Measures taken nowadays include laying rat traps and spraying poison behind all home refrigerators and garages.
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