  • Bells, Arcane Implement (4e Equipment)
  • Cost: 15gp A set of bells consist of seven bells in a bandolier which is strapped to your chest. Each bell has is named after a powerful being from long ago (from smallest to largest; Ranna, Mosrael, Kibeth, Dyrim, Belgaer, Saraneth and Astarael the Sorrowful). Songweavers can use bells as focus items for their spells, weaving magic into the bells melody. Using a non-magical set of bells confers no benefits, but you can use a magical set of bells to gain an enhancement bonus to your attack rolls and damage rolls with your songweaver powers. A set of bells can also be used as a musical instrument for playing music or as a focus for rituals requiring a musical instrument as a focus.
Author name
  • Sam Kay
date created
  • 2009-09-10
  • Complete
  • Cost: 15gp A set of bells consist of seven bells in a bandolier which is strapped to your chest. Each bell has is named after a powerful being from long ago (from smallest to largest; Ranna, Mosrael, Kibeth, Dyrim, Belgaer, Saraneth and Astarael the Sorrowful). Songweavers can use bells as focus items for their spells, weaving magic into the bells melody. Using a non-magical set of bells confers no benefits, but you can use a magical set of bells to gain an enhancement bonus to your attack rolls and damage rolls with your songweaver powers. A set of bells can also be used as a musical instrument for playing music or as a focus for rituals requiring a musical instrument as a focus. Back to Main Page → 4e Homebrew → Equipment