  • Nakajima Ki-43
  • The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (jap. 一式戦闘機「隼」, Ichi-shiki sentōki „Hayabusa“, meaning "Army Fighter type 1, Peregrine falcon) was a Japanese fighter aircraft built as an all metal construction with retractable landing gear, it was used in World War II. It was developed to be the replacement for the Nakajima Ki-27 Setsu, which was developed by Itokowa Setsu; it was the Japanese flag ship plane of this time.
  • The Nakajima Ki-43 Hayabusa (jap. 一式戦闘機「隼」, Ichi-shiki sentōki „Hayabusa“, meaning "Army Fighter type 1, Peregrine falcon) was a Japanese fighter aircraft built as an all metal construction with retractable landing gear, it was used in World War II. It was developed to be the replacement for the Nakajima Ki-27 Setsu, which was developed by Itokowa Setsu; it was the Japanese flag ship plane of this time.