  • Saint Amaro
  • According to Christian tradition, Saint Amaro or Amarus the Pilgrim (Spanish: San Amaro) was an abbot and sailor who it was claimed sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to an earthly paradise. There are two historical figures who may have provided the basis for this legend. The first was a French penitent of the same name who went on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in the thirteenth century. On his return journey, he established himself at Burgos, where he founded a hospital for lepers.
  • pilgrim’s staff
venerated in
  • Saint Amaro
  • 250
  • Statue of Saint Amaro. Ermita de San Amaro, Puerto de la Cruz.
feast day
  • --01-15
  • According to Christian tradition, Saint Amaro or Amarus the Pilgrim (Spanish: San Amaro) was an abbot and sailor who it was claimed sailed across the Atlantic Ocean to an earthly paradise. There are two historical figures who may have provided the basis for this legend. The first was a French penitent of the same name who went on a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in the thirteenth century. On his return journey, he established himself at Burgos, where he founded a hospital for lepers. Saint Amaro has also been identified with Saint Maurus, disciple of Saint Benedict, who founded the first Benedictine monastery in France. Around the historical character of Saint Amaro converged many Pagan traditions present in Asturias and Galicia related with Celtic immrama and echtrai like the voyages of Mael Dúin, the Úi Chorra, Snegdus and Mac Riagla or Bran mac Febal. Many features of the Celtic Otherworld are present in the Periplus of Saint Amaro.