  • Color Codes
  • Color Codes come in three different forms: * Color Names. i.e. red, yellow, lime, etc. See W3Schools for a full list. * Hexadecimal Notation using RGB triplets. i.e. #ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00. Each set of two characters represents the colors Red, Green, and Blue respectively. * Hexadecimal Shorthand Works the same as Hexadecimal Notation except that identical pairs of characters are combined into one. i.e. #f00 #ff0 #0f0. __TOC__
  • Color Codes come in three different forms: * Color Names. i.e. red, yellow, lime, etc. See W3Schools for a full list. * Hexadecimal Notation using RGB triplets. i.e. #ff0000, #ffff00, #00ff00. Each set of two characters represents the colors Red, Green, and Blue respectively. * Hexadecimal Shorthand Works the same as Hexadecimal Notation except that identical pairs of characters are combined into one. i.e. #f00 #ff0 #0f0. __TOC__