  • Priest-scientist
  • A priest-scientist was a member of the government and religion of the Ugor species. Sometime between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, priest-scientists investigated a piece of wreckage from the first Death Star and discovered that it contained a powerful gravity well projector. The priest-scientists tweaked the device and used it to bring order to the Ugors' system-spanning salvage yard, the Paradise system.
  • A priest-scientist was a member of the government and religion of the Ugor species. Sometime between the Battle of Yavin and the Battle of Hoth, priest-scientists investigated a piece of wreckage from the first Death Star and discovered that it contained a powerful gravity well projector. The priest-scientists tweaked the device and used it to bring order to the Ugors' system-spanning salvage yard, the Paradise system.