  • G - type stars
  • Yellow stars generate the same kind of radiations our sun does. They have infrared, visible and ultraviolet light in almost the same percents. Among yellow stars, some are brighter and some are fainter then Sol (majority are fainter), but variations are not so big. An example of brighter star is Alpha Centauri A, while an example of fainter star is Tau Ceti.
  • Yellow stars generate the same kind of radiations our sun does. They have infrared, visible and ultraviolet light in almost the same percents. Among yellow stars, some are brighter and some are fainter then Sol (majority are fainter), but variations are not so big. An example of brighter star is Alpha Centauri A, while an example of fainter star is Tau Ceti. The sun is considered a yellow star, but its light is in fact perfectly white. If you want to define the term 'white' you must note 'light with solar spectra'. However, because of the contrast made by the blue sky, Sol is considered to be yellow.