  • Blades of Wrath/Plot Details
  • The Boy
  • We have to find a bigger one. The needle-nose Bill sent me was too small for what we need. Maybe you should talk to Bill, he might know something.
  • Ask Kin for help? Don't make me laugh. I mean... I like the guy and all... but all he could help you with is setting up a pajama party or disappearing into the forest!
  • I thought it was your turn to come up with the plan. Bah! Leave it to ol' Logan, then.
  • Yeah! I have a great plan! A while back, Bill sent me a skeeter nose and asked if I could turn them into fish-hooks. Unfortunately, they were far too brittle to bend to shape, but they might work for this!
  • Sorry bub, but that's all I'm prepared to answer for now. Why don't ya let me know how Jesse is and then we'll talk about what you can do next?
  • How is he?
  • Well, after looking at these blades... I think we're going to need to find something really sharp to scrape across them if we're to get enough sound.
  • What?! How am I supposed to do that? Fart?!
  • Methinks you're hangin' on ol' Logan's words a little too much. Back off a bit, bub. Besides, we've got too much work to do.
  • Let's get busy, then. First things first, we're going to need some buzz saw parts. Head across the river and northwest to the old mill and fetch us a Saw Blade.
  • Hey! That's not a bad idea. We could try using the windmill as an amplifier... that'd make it loud enough to scare them away.
  • Great! One step down. You know, you seem pretty useful, after all. I might have to keep you around.
  • Logan
  • Needle Nose
  • Logan