  • IPv6
  • IPv6
  • Ipv6
  • Marque une ressource comme parlant du protocole internet IPv6.
  • IPv6 is an update to IPv4. The most notable change is that the address space is expanded (from 32 bits to 128 bits).
  • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation Internet layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks and the Internet. IPv4 is the dominant Internet Protocol version, and was the first to receive widespread use. In December 1998, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designated IPv6 as the successor to version 4 by the publication of a Internet standard specification, RFC 2460. The general requirements for implementing IPv6 on a network host are specified in RFC 4294.
  • IPv6 is a 128-bit routed protocol. Because the IPv4 protocol is running out of address space, IPv6 was developed. The huge size of IPv6 allows for further growth of the Internet, whereas staying with IPv4 only would limit the amount of devices able to connect to the Internet. IPv6 is represented using eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons. Most operating systems will allow a dual stack. That is, they will have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to them at the same time, and will use which ever of those addresses is most convenient.
  • IPv6 / IPNG (ang. Internet Protocol version 6 / Internet Protocol Next Generation) - najnowsza wersja protokołu IP, będąca następcą IPv4, do którego stworzenia przyczynił się w głównej mierze problem małej ilości adresów IPv4. Dodatkowymi zamierzeniami było udoskonalenie protokołu IP: eliminacja wad starszej wersji, wprowadzenie nowych rozszerzeń (uwierzytelnienie, kompresja i inne), zminimalizowanie czynności wymaganych do podłączenia nowego węzła do Internetu (autokonfiguracja). Adres reprezentowany jest w postaci heksadecymalnej, z dwukropkiem co 16 bitów, np. 123:5678:abcd:ef::1234:5678
  • Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation Internet layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks and the Internet. IPv4 is the dominant Internet Protocol version, and was the first to receive widespread use. In December 1998, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) designated IPv6 as the successor to version 4 by the publication of a Internet standard specification, RFC 2460. In December 2008, despite celebrating its 10th anniversary as a Standards Track protocol, IPv6 was only in its infancy in terms of general worldwide deployment. A 2008 study by Google indicated that penetration was still less than one percent of Internet-enabled machines in any country. The leaders were Russia (0.76%), France (0.65%), Ukraine (0.64%), Norway (0.49%), and the United States (0.45%). Although Asia led in terms of absolute deployment numbers, the relative penetration was smaller (e.g., China: 0.24%). IPv6 has been implemented on all major operating systems in use in commercial, business, and home consumer environments. According to the study, Mac OS X led in IPv6 penetration of 2.44%, followed by Linux (0.93%) and Windows Vista (0.32%). IPv6 has a much larger address space than IPv4. This results from the use of a 128-bit address, whereas IPv4 uses only 32 bits. The new address space thus supports 2128 (about 3.4×1038) addresses. This expansion provides flexibility in allocating addresses and routing traffic and eliminates the primary need for network address translation (NAT). NAT gained widespread deployment as an effort to alleviate IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv6 also implements new features that simplify aspects of address assignment (stateless address autoconfiguration) and network renumbering (prefix and router announcements) when changing Internet connectivity providers. The IPv6 subnet size has been standardized by fixing the size of the host identifier portion of an address to 64 bits to facilitate an automatic mechanism for forming the host identifier from Link Layer media addressing information (MAC address). Network security is integrated into the design of the IPv6 architecture. Internet Protocol Security (IPsec) was originally developed for IPv6, but found widespread optional deployment first in IPv4 (into which it was back-engineered). The IPv6 specifications mandate IPsec implementation as a fundamental interoperability requirement. The general requirements for implementing IPv6 on a network host are specified in RFC 4294.
  • IPv6 is a 128-bit routed protocol. Because the IPv4 protocol is running out of address space, IPv6 was developed. The huge size of IPv6 allows for further growth of the Internet, whereas staying with IPv4 only would limit the amount of devices able to connect to the Internet. IPv6 is represented using eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons. Most operating systems will allow a dual stack. That is, they will have both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses assigned to them at the same time, and will use which ever of those addresses is most convenient. This article is a . You can help My English Wiki by expanding it.
  • IPv6 / IPNG (ang. Internet Protocol version 6 / Internet Protocol Next Generation) - najnowsza wersja protokołu IP, będąca następcą IPv4, do którego stworzenia przyczynił się w głównej mierze problem małej ilości adresów IPv4. Dodatkowymi zamierzeniami było udoskonalenie protokołu IP: eliminacja wad starszej wersji, wprowadzenie nowych rozszerzeń (uwierzytelnienie, kompresja i inne), zminimalizowanie czynności wymaganych do podłączenia nowego węzła do Internetu (autokonfiguracja). Adres w nowym protokole zwiększył swój rozmiar z 32 bitów na 128. Odpowiada to wzrostowi liczby możliwych adresów sieciowych z 232 ≈ 4,3×109 w IPv4, do 2128 ≈ 3,4×1038 w IPv6, co odpowiada liczbie 6,7×1017 adresów/mm² powierzchni Ziemi. Adres reprezentowany jest w postaci heksadecymalnej, z dwukropkiem co 16 bitów, np. 0123:5678:abcd:00ef:0000:0000:1234:5678 Specyfikacje pozwalają na opuszczanie początkowych zer oraz zamianę bloków zer na podwójny dwukropek, dlatego powyższy adres może być zapisany również jako: 123:5678:abcd:ef::1234:5678 Warto zaznaczyć, iż IPv6 to tylko jedna warstwa w modelu OSI - nie ingeruje on w inne warstwy, np. aplikacyjną, co pozwala działać istniejącym już protokołom zasadniczo "bezboleśnie". IPv6 jest protokołem wdrażanym w infrastrukturę Internetu od 2000 roku. Niektórzy dostawcy usług internetowych (ISP) dostarczają już IPv6 "w kabelku" tak samo jak obecnie IPv4; jednak aktualnie ogromna część sieci opiera się na tunelach wykorzystujących poprzednia wersje protokołu (tzw. IPv6-in-IPv4). Najprostszą metodą zestawienia takiego tunelu jest obecnie mechanizm 6to4. IPv6 opisują RFC 1883 i 1884.
  • Marque une ressource comme parlant du protocole internet IPv6.
  • IPv6 is an update to IPv4. The most notable change is that the address space is expanded (from 32 bits to 128 bits).