  • 49
  • 49
  • 49
  • 49
  • 49
  • El cuarenta y nueve (49) es el número natural que sigue al cuarenta y ocho y precede al cincuenta. Categoría:Números
  • Last episode of the 40s column.
  • Number 49 was an item on The List.
  • The year 49 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "49" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Jeremy Accardo (2006-2009) * Luis Andujar (1996*-1998) * John Bale (1999-2000) * Dave Bush (2004-2005) * Tom Candiotti (1991) * Tony Castillo (1993-1995*, 1996*) * Matt DeWitt (2001) * Tom Filer (1985) * Felix Heredia (2002) * Paul Hodgson (1980) * Ricardo Jordan (1995*)
  • #49 is the forty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 49 (forty-nine) is a positive integer following 48 and preceding 50. Its ordinal form is written "forty-ninth" or 49th.
  • After speaking with her father on the phone about Bill, Maggie remarks that everyone is looking for Malloy (Carolyn having looked for him earlier today), while Burke is wondering what happened to him. Joe comes in for a coffee on his way back from a post office (48) and asks about Malloy. Burke noses in and he and Joe chest-thump. Burke claims to be worried about Malloy because he's an old friend. Carolyn comes in because her car's in the shop for an hour (something with the carburetor) and is upset at Burke's surly greeting. Joe's upset that she's upset. Sam gets Burke as a visitor and Burke demands to know what Sam had to say at the Malloy meeting the night before. Sam speculates that Malloy left because he had nothing and is hiding. Joe and Carolyn argue about Burke's interest in Roger'
  • Nachdem Julian Diana aus den Fängen Müller-Hirschfelds befreit hat, kommt es zu einem sehr innigen Moment zwischen Julian und Diana, der jäh durch eine SMS gestört wird. Julian betont energisch, sich für Diana einsetzen und Simone und Richard bezüglich Müller-Hirschfeld zur Rede stellen zu wollen. Auch Mike bleibt nicht unverborgen, wie sehr Diana von Julians beherztem Einschreiten beeindruckt ist. Mike kocht vor Wut und Eifersucht. Opa Lutz verdächtigt Dieter, Dinge aus Annettes Imbisswagen gestohlen zu haben. Er stellt Dieter zur Rede, doch als dieser ihm die Wahrheit ob seiner Jobsituation gesteht und Besserung gelobt, entschließt sich Opa Lutz dazu, Dieter aus Mitgefühl für seine Tochter zu schützen. Doch dann erhebt Dieter vor den Augen seines Schwiegervaters in einem Streit die Hand
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 49 (March 27th, 2010) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book and lets out a wookie noise, dubbed over) Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Considering any and every comment you post on the Internet can be used against you in the future, will anyone be able to run for president? Narrator: Are you pondering what I'm pondering? That Guy: Well, I think so, Brain; but where are we gonna find rubber pants our SIZE? Narrator: Hello? Narrator: Are you a lesbian? THE END
  • 48
  • 289.425000
Folgen Nummer
  • 49
  • 49
  • 49
  • 1.300000
Erstausstrahlung D
  • 10112006
  • 50
  • 1966-08-18
  • 49
  • 1967
  • Incomplete
  • 2
  • Episode 49
  • 1966-09-01
Character Name
  • Black Shadow
  • List Number 49
  • 2
  • 48
  • 48.0
  • 49
  • 50
  • 50.0
  • Bawz_20061110_0049_awz_b_216x136.jpg
  • I've been wasteful
  • red
  • 49
  • 49
  • El cuarenta y nueve (49) es el número natural que sigue al cuarenta y ocho y precede al cincuenta. Categoría:Números
  • Last episode of the 40s column.
  • Number 49 was an item on The List.
  • The year 49 AD.
  • This page is a listing of all the players who have worn the number "49" for the Toronto Blue Jays, and for what years. * Jeremy Accardo (2006-2009) * Luis Andujar (1996*-1998) * John Bale (1999-2000) * Dave Bush (2004-2005) * Tom Candiotti (1991) * Tony Castillo (1993-1995*, 1996*) * Matt DeWitt (2001) * Tom Filer (1985) * Felix Heredia (2002) * Paul Hodgson (1980) * Ricardo Jordan (1995*)
  • Ask That Guy With The Glasses Episode 49 (March 27th, 2010) That Guy: Oh! (closes his book and lets out a wookie noise, dubbed over) Didn't hear you come in. Greetings and welcome to Ask That Guy With The Glasses. Narrator (always off-screen; questions appear on-screen): Considering any and every comment you post on the Internet can be used against you in the future, will anyone be able to run for president? That Guy: (with his back to screen right, he turns to the camera) That's a very good question. Actually, no. People can run for president despite whatever comments they leave online. Just look at Barack Obama. / [indicates a jump cut] (leaning in) Need we forget that he used to be a Klansman. / And he left ALL SORTS of horrid remarks online: / white power, "destroy all the blacks", and so on, so forth... / Now I KNOW what you're thinking: / How can Barack Obama be a Klansman if he himself is BLACK? / Well, the answer is simple: (leaning in) THEY'RE FUCKING MORONS! / Thus, Barack Obama was allowed to be a Klansman. / Now I KNOW what else you're thinking: / Why would Barack Obama want to be a Klansman to BEGIN with? / Healthcare benefits. / Ironic, isn't it? / (quietly) Yes. Narrator: Are you pondering what I'm pondering? That Guy: Well, I think so, Brain; but where are we gonna find rubber pants our SIZE? Narrator: If Kermit the Frog and Miss Piggy are both in love together, how could a frog and a pig have sex together? That Guy: Well, it's actually not that complicated. / For example, let's say that this pipe is Kermit the Frog (which he holds up); and this hole (his left hand comes into view; a hole is made with his thumb and index finger) is Miss Piggy. I'll demonstrate for you... (with a happy look, he then starts to push the mouthpiece through the hole; but just as it reaches the destination... we immediately cut to a picture of a group of young puppies, perhaps Labradors, on a big blue cushion, looking SOOOOO cute. Superimposed over this at the bottom of the screen is a caption in yellow letters with black borders: "Too Graphic To Show." The music suddenly has switched to a faux-tropical instrumental - the same one Doug has used many times before. Over all this, we hear someone off-screen - guess who? - screaming:) Man: OH MY GOD, THAT'S SO HORRIBLE! THAT'S THE MOST HORRIBLE THING I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE!! That Guy: (back on screen; original music returns) I bet you'll never eat pork the same way again. / Or vaginas. / With onions. / (winks at the camera) Narrator: Whenever I ask someone a difficult question, they say, "Who knows?" If "who" knows everything, then why should we ask you all these questions and not him? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Well, the reason you should ask me is because Who is not always around. / In fact, most of the time, he's playing in a Major League Baseball game. / Now you might be asking yourself, "What position does he play?" Well, he plays first base. / So you might be saying to yourself, "Who's on FIRST?" / Insert Abbott-and-Costello routine here, and we're done. / (leaning in) With onions. Narrator: Hello? That Guy: I'm sorry. Wrong number. You've reached the Sex Hotline for sheep. (cut to a close-up of That Guy "baa-ing" three times; the sound effect is dubbed over him. Every time he "baas", his eyes light up; when he's not, he smiles. Plus, Doug's standard erotic music is playing also. Jump cut back to normal; piano music resumes) Sssssssaucy. Narrator: Why don't Game Boys have penises? That Guy: (back to right and turn) Oh, they do; but, much like a turtle, it sort of retracts in and out. / And thank God for that. / (leans in) Have you ever SEEN a Game Boy's penis? / It's positively disgusting! / It's ORANGE. Why would a Game Boy penis be orange? / Now, Game MEN: (brief chuckle) THEY'RE well-hung. / Theirs are orange, too; but they're all (uses his hands to elaborate) nice, rigid, and CRUNCHY. / (looks up) Or did I just put a Cheeto on one? / (leans in) Either way, it was delicious. / Now I KNOW what you're thinking: / How would I know what a Game Boy penis looks like if I wasn't some sort of a pedophile? / Well, (brief chuckle, then he suddenly turns stoic) I'm sick. (holds for a few seconds) Narrator: Are you a lesbian? That Guy: (chuckles) Oh, I wish. / Then all I would have to do to get aroused is look at myself NAKED. / True, I wouldn't have a penis to stroke; but, then again, that's what Game Boys are for. / (brief stammer) I mean, Game Men! / (digitally altered to sound deeper) I'm sick. Narrator: Can I borrow a cup of sugar? That Guy: (chuckles, looking off-screen to the right; then he punches the camera with his right fist) Narrator: Who? What? Where? Why? That Guy: Your mother, sex, a trash can, and because she's an UNBELIEVABLE whore. / (leans in) Incidentally, did you know that trash can sex is some of the best sex EVER? / How do you think Oscar the Grouch was conceived? / (leans in) Though there ARE rumors that he's not actually a person and some sort of mutated sexual disease. / But it's still hot all the same! / (leans in) Incidentally, don't touch him. You, uh... WILL get crabs. / And a brand new sexual disease simply known as... "the nibbles." / Don't ask. You'll... just know when you have it. / (makes a facial expression where it looks like he's quickly vomiting, I think...) Narrator: Who shot first: Han or Greedo? That Guy: Sleep with somebody. / This is That Guy With The Glasses saying, "There's no such thing as a stupid question until YOU ask it." (winks at the camera and then returns to reading his book) THE END
  • Nachdem Julian Diana aus den Fängen Müller-Hirschfelds befreit hat, kommt es zu einem sehr innigen Moment zwischen Julian und Diana, der jäh durch eine SMS gestört wird. Julian betont energisch, sich für Diana einsetzen und Simone und Richard bezüglich Müller-Hirschfeld zur Rede stellen zu wollen. Auch Mike bleibt nicht unverborgen, wie sehr Diana von Julians beherztem Einschreiten beeindruckt ist. Mike kocht vor Wut und Eifersucht. Opa Lutz verdächtigt Dieter, Dinge aus Annettes Imbisswagen gestohlen zu haben. Er stellt Dieter zur Rede, doch als dieser ihm die Wahrheit ob seiner Jobsituation gesteht und Besserung gelobt, entschließt sich Opa Lutz dazu, Dieter aus Mitgefühl für seine Tochter zu schützen. Doch dann erhebt Dieter vor den Augen seines Schwiegervaters in einem Streit die Hand gegen Jutta ... Nina erschleicht sich Mitgefühl, in dem sie vorgibt, sehr unter den häuslichen Problemen mit ihrem alkoholkranken Vater zu leiden.
  • #49 is the forty-ninth figure in the M.U.S.C.L.E. toy series.
  • 49 (forty-nine) is a positive integer following 48 and preceding 50. Its ordinal form is written "forty-ninth" or 49th.
  • After speaking with her father on the phone about Bill, Maggie remarks that everyone is looking for Malloy (Carolyn having looked for him earlier today), while Burke is wondering what happened to him. Joe comes in for a coffee on his way back from a post office (48) and asks about Malloy. Burke noses in and he and Joe chest-thump. Burke claims to be worried about Malloy because he's an old friend. Carolyn comes in because her car's in the shop for an hour (something with the carburetor) and is upset at Burke's surly greeting. Joe's upset that she's upset. Sam gets Burke as a visitor and Burke demands to know what Sam had to say at the Malloy meeting the night before. Sam speculates that Malloy left because he had nothing and is hiding. Joe and Carolyn argue about Burke's interest in Roger's interest in Bill Malloy's disappearance. Maggie leaves, upset over the whole mess. Joe tells Carolyn about David's crystal ball's prediction. After a half an hour of needling by Burke, Sam begins drinking again and speculates that Malloy just went fishing. Maggie comes home and remarks that Burke had canceled his sitting for to-day; she wonders why he's at the Evans cottage. Burke leaves 'to go fishing' (aka in search of Malloy). Carolyn's repairs are delayed. They kiss and make up Back at Collinwood after she gets a ride from him. Burke shows up to see Roger. Nobody knows where Roger is and Burke’s already tried the office. Carolyn offers to take a message. Sam dodges Maggie's questions about his knowledge of Bill Malloy's whereabouts. Sam believes everyone in the entire town is heading towards death.
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