  • Quiverfull
  • Quiverfull is a relatively recent natalistic movement among conservative evangelical Protestant Christian couples, chiefly in the United States, who believe children should be eagerly accepted as blessings from God. The movement eschews all forms of contraception, including natural family planning and sterilization. Someone of this persuasion might call themselves a "quiver full," "full quiver," "quiverfull-minded," or simply “QF” Christian. Roman Catholics and some others might refer to the Quiverfull position as Providentialism. Others might refer to Quiverfull as simply natalism.[1][2]
  • Quiverfull is a relatively recent natalistic movement among conservative evangelical Protestant Christian couples, chiefly in the United States, who believe children should be eagerly accepted as blessings from God. The movement eschews all forms of contraception, including natural family planning and sterilization. Someone of this persuasion might call themselves a "quiver full," "full quiver," "quiverfull-minded," or simply “QF” Christian. Roman Catholics and some others might refer to the Quiverfull position as Providentialism. Others might refer to Quiverfull as simply natalism.[1][2]