  • Looking Glass
  • Looking Glass
  • Looking Glass were an American country rock band. Their song "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is featured in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
  • "Looking Glass" was the 39th episode of The Dead Zone and the seventh episode of the third season, airing on USA Network on 25 July 2004.
  • The Looking Glass is an item in Clock Tower 3.
  • The Looking Glass is a rare but extremely useful item that Alice Liddell used for sneak attacks and bypassing or challenging hordes of enemies.
  • Looking Glass is the 6th story mission of Watch Dogs 2.
  • Project Looking Glass - (o semplicemente Looking Glass) - è un desktop tridimensionale, sviluppato da Sun Microsystems per GNU/Linux, Solaris e disponibile anche per Windows, con licenza GPL versione 2. Questo ambiente desktop è scritto in linguaggio Java ed utilizza il sistema Java 3D per essere indipendente dalla piattaforma. Questo desktop rivoluzionario è stato il primo ad introdurre la terza dimensione al consueto utilizzo dell'interfaccia grafica. Oltre alle applicazioni specificatamente progettate per Looking Glass, questo desktop supporta ed è in grado di far funzionare anche le applicazioni convenzionali.
  • The Looking Glass is a large mirror that Hexadecimal keeps in the throne room of her Lair. She uses the mirror to keep a watch on Mainframe, look at herself after putting on a new mask, and communicate with people outside of her home instead of using a VidWindow. Hex is rarely seen using a VidWindow for communication, she prefers her looking glass. The mirror can disappear at Hex's whim, just like a VidWindow. It is unknown where Hexadecimal got her Looking Glass, it is possible that she formed it on her own using her viral powers. At some latter time the looking glass was repaired.
  • American McGee's Alice
  • Clock Tower 3
  • Looking Glass
  • 200
Image caption
  • In-game appearance
Image size
  • 150
  • Allows travel to mirror world
  • Makes Alice invisible
  • Scissors' Hospital, nightstand
wikipage disambiguates
  • Looking Glass.png
  • Looking Glass were an American country rock band. Their song "Brandy (You're a Fine Girl)" is featured in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.
  • Project Looking Glass - (o semplicemente Looking Glass) - è un desktop tridimensionale, sviluppato da Sun Microsystems per GNU/Linux, Solaris e disponibile anche per Windows, con licenza GPL versione 2. Questo ambiente desktop è scritto in linguaggio Java ed utilizza il sistema Java 3D per essere indipendente dalla piattaforma. Questo desktop rivoluzionario è stato il primo ad introdurre la terza dimensione al consueto utilizzo dell'interfaccia grafica. Oltre alle applicazioni specificatamente progettate per Looking Glass, questo desktop supporta ed è in grado di far funzionare anche le applicazioni convenzionali. Looking Glass offre caratteristiche grafiche di grande effetto come la semitrasparenza delle finestre, sfondi tridimensionali, una barra delle applicazioni ancora più interattiva e molto altro ancora. Ogni finestra alla sua apertura appare come una normale finestra di un qualsiasi altro desktop environment. Tuttavia l'utente può ruotarla completamente lungo i tre assi come se si trattasse di una lavagna sospesa a mezz'aria. Tra le caratteristiche più curiose troviamo la gestione di due facce diverse per ogni finestra aperta, che consente di utilizzare il retro della finestra per segnare annotazioni personali o visualizzare dialoghi modali. Da segnalare la possibilità di gestire desktop multipli affiancati, icone aggiornate con l'anteprima in tempo reale del loro contenuto e zoom dinamico sulle singole finestre al ricevimento del focus dell'utente. Come per altri desktop environment, esiste una distribuzione Live CD chiamata LG3D LiveCD che permette di utilizzare questo desktop environment senza doverlo installare sul proprio sistema. Looking Glass è stato uno dei primi progetti che hanno realizzato un desktop tridimensionale. Questo progetto ha ispirato successivamente progetti come Compiz e l'interfaccia Aero di Windows Vista.
  • "Looking Glass" was the 39th episode of The Dead Zone and the seventh episode of the third season, airing on USA Network on 25 July 2004.
  • The Looking Glass is an item in Clock Tower 3.
  • The Looking Glass is a rare but extremely useful item that Alice Liddell used for sneak attacks and bypassing or challenging hordes of enemies.
  • Looking Glass is the 6th story mission of Watch Dogs 2.
  • The Looking Glass is a large mirror that Hexadecimal keeps in the throne room of her Lair. She uses the mirror to keep a watch on Mainframe, look at herself after putting on a new mask, and communicate with people outside of her home instead of using a VidWindow. Hex is rarely seen using a VidWindow for communication, she prefers her looking glass. The mirror can disappear at Hex's whim, just like a VidWindow. It is unknown where Hexadecimal got her Looking Glass, it is possible that she formed it on her own using her viral powers. The mirror was used to watch the total infection of Mainframe by the Medusa Bug. Hex enjoyed replaying the image of the Silicon Tor being infected by the powerful little viral bug. She became particularly interested in Bob's attempt to use a Viral Erase Command to eliminate the Medusa. The Looking Glass displayed the entire attempt to erase the viral bug, and Hex took great pleasure in their failure. Hexadecimal has used the Looking Glass to find the Super Computer. It was an easy task for the Looking Glass to find the powerful system, even though Megabyte had been trying to find it for years. Unfortunetely, Hex found the Super Computer to be rather boring. When Mike the TV came to live with Hex, he played an opera for her that broke Scuzzy's dome, and shattered the looking glass. When the glass was gone it revealed that the mirror was fueled by energy from the Web. The damaged mirror pulled Hexadecimal in, and she held to the sides of it to keep from being sucked in. A small openning in the energy of the looking glass was just large enough to allow a baby Web Creature to come through the looking glass and into the Net. Once on the other side, the creature quickly attacked the helpless Hex, infecting her. (Nullzilla) At some latter time the looking glass was repaired. When Bob returned to Mainframe, he used his new Glitch powers to fix Hex's damaged mask. She immediately used to Looking Glass to see her new face, and was amazed at what it showed her. (Showdown)