  • "Original" Taifugan
  • Like the modern-day Taifugan, the original Taifugan can faintly see the chakra circulatory system, but can completely see chakra auras, including otherwise hidden barriers. Because of this, an original Taifugan user can discern the chakra nature of a ninja they are looking at.
  • Like the modern-day Taifugan, the original Taifugan can faintly see the chakra circulatory system, but can completely see chakra auras, including otherwise hidden barriers. Because of this, an original Taifugan user can discern the chakra nature of a ninja they are looking at. The eye's second second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible memory, allowing to wield an extremely vivid and detailed memory of whatever is beheld with the eye. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to even remember the chakra structure and flow to the smallest detail. If the user has awakened the eye in both of his/her eyes, this ability extends to being able to remember larger/wider ranges of vision. The third ability of the eye, resembles it's much later successor, the Mangekyo Sharingan. Users that have only awakened the eye in one of their eyes, can use and cast binding illusions from their eye, though the nature of the illusions are unique to the user. Users that have awakened the eye in both of their eyes can use those illusions in one eye, and use Amaterasu in the other. These eyes are the origin of the Mangekyo Sharingan's Amaterasu, and possibly the Tsukuyomi, despite the illusions of this eye being somewhat weaker than Tsukuyomi. Users of both eyes retain the Izanami ability from the modern Taifugan. Though unstated and unproven, Izanami might have fathered the Susanoo technique in the Mangekyo Sharingan as well, though users of this eye are incapable of using Susanoo (due to obvious reasons).