  • The Shadow Games
  • "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The screams of Kachihi, Fumiko, and Rika melded together as they fell. Continuously. After what felt like hours, they collided with the ground, Kachihi landing first, followed by Fumiko, and then Rika. The funny thing was, Fumiko landed right in Kachihi's crotch area. "I'm liking where I am." Fumiko said, his voice muffled. "I'm going to play a game with you~" A woman's voice sounded as a pink-haired woman, looking to be in her early 20's, walked out of the shadows. Rika flinched, and Fumiko looked disgusted. "Nope." "Bingo~"
  • "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" The screams of Kachihi, Fumiko, and Rika melded together as they fell. Continuously. After what felt like hours, they collided with the ground, Kachihi landing first, followed by Fumiko, and then Rika. The funny thing was, Fumiko landed right in Kachihi's crotch area. "I'm liking where I am." Fumiko said, his voice muffled. Kachihi grimaced. "Dammit." In the words of Admiral Ackbar, it was most definitely a trap. And not the good kind. He slowly stood up, gently pushing Fumiko off his body to observe his surroundings. "...What's going on!?" "I'm going to play a game with you~" A woman's voice sounded as a pink-haired woman, looking to be in her early 20's, walked out of the shadows. "W-what the?" Fumiko glared at the woman. "Who the hell are you?" "Mu~" She said, ripping her face off to reveal the face she had before. Rika flinched, and Fumiko looked disgusted. "We're going to play a series of games~" She smiled, placing the other face back on. "If I win, everyone of your faces becomes mine~ If I lose, you all get to go away scott free~ Any questions~?" "I do~" A cacaphonic voice rang out. They seemed almost giddy with delight. Materializing in front of Kachihi was a young woman, looking fourteen years old. She had long, blonde hair that reaches down to her feet; with her bangs hanging down to her breasts, a red bow at the back of her hair, and a barrette holding the rest of her hair into a long ponytail. She had soft blue eyes that were deceptive of her true nature; and sharp canines. She wore a long, flowing pink dress with various patterns on it; as well as long, white gloves that reach up to her elbows. She also wore sandals. She had large breasts, and wide hips. "Yoohoo~" For some reason, only Kachihi could actually see this phantom, yet her voice was made clear. "...!!" Kachihi's eyes widened and his irises shrunk. "You...!" "Oooooh, now I'm hearing things~" Mu whistled. "That wasn't in the rulebook~" Fumiko looked around. "O.K., why am I hearing things?" Rikia stayed silent. He felt nervous enough. "Alrighty~! See, only you can see me, buuuuuuuuut they can hear me~" The devil woman repeated to Kachihi, as she floated around him. "Now, you need to focus~" That catty smile formed upon her face, as she rushed into Kachihi, filling him with power. "Oh dear~" Feeling the power increase, Mu put on an expression of mock worry. "Do you intend to fight your way out of this~?" Kachihi growled, as a streak in his brunette hair turned a bright blonde and one of his eyes became azure. Crimson energy whirled around his body for a brief moment, as he stepped foward with a wily smirk upon his face. "...No, I don't plan to do anything of the sort. But I'll play your little game. So, hurry up, let's get down to brass tracks~" "Alright~" She sounded delighted. "Let's play the first game then~" She waved her hand, forming an entire stack of Jenga blocks. "Recognize them sweeties~?" Kachihi began to sweat. He had no idea how to play Jenga. Probably because he was denied a childhood. "...Dammit." He was at an loss for words. All the devil woman did to encourage the Mototsu-Seishin-Nightwalker hybrid was repeat like a parrot, "...You shanked my Jengaship~" Made one wonder what she was on- or if she was any drugs at all. "...You're not helping, you know." "All you have to do to get away is win two out of three of my games~" Mu explained, smiling. "The first game is Jenga~ Anyone know how to play~?" "Nope." "Not a clue." "Not at all." "I figured~ You all have that cute, stupid look about you~" Mu waved her hand, removing a block from the center and placing it atop the tower. "All you do is remove a block from any level and place it at the topmost section of the tower~ The winner is the last person to successfully remove and place a block~ Naturally, I'll be playing as well~" "Ah, crap." Kachihi uttered. "So, we go all at once, or something like that?" His ingenious plan was for Mu to explain everything, and while she was busy, the three would run off. Made him wonder, why didn't that devil woman use her powers to destroy the place to make an escape route. "You're not getting away~" She said, chuckling inwardly. "We all take turns~ I made my move~ I'll let the little priestess go first~" "M-me?" Rika looked nervous. "Step up, step up~" Rika walked forward, and raised his hand, moving a block out from the high center and placing it on the top. "Good~ Now, pinkie~" "Oh c'mon, pinkie?" Fumiko groaned, but he moved a block out of the lower center and placed it at the top. "Now Mr. Distrustful~" Kachihi began to sweat. He wasn't good at subtlity- neither was the woman possessing him, he figured correctly. One wrong move and the three would have less of a chance of escaping. Slowly, he moved a block out from the middle center, placing it upon the top. He grimaced, though the tower showed little signs of instability. "You really are shanking that Jengaship~" Great. Needless words of encouragement, which weren't really encouraging at all. Rika moved a block out from the near bottom this time, and placed it one the top. The tower seemed to wobble. "Tch..." Fumiko stepped up, moving a block out of dead center, and placing it on top again. The tower was becoming less and less stable.' Mu moved her piece from the higher center onto the top, smiling. Quickly removing a piece from the lower center onto the top, Kachihi Amagase quickly regretted what he had done. In an instant, the tower had fallen apart, crashing to the table. His eyes widened and his irises shrunk, as his jaw dropped. "...Oh...shit." The devil woman's voice rung out, "Well, looks like you didn't completely shank that Jengaship~" "Dammit!" Fumiko hissed. Rika merely let out a whimper. "And the first win goes to me~" She laughed, walking over to Kachihi. "Mu 1, Traps 0~ Now, to move onto the next game~" She pressed a button and the floor started to move, dragging them into a new area. This place was fairly empty, excepting a set of gallows and a blackboard. Anyone over five could recognize this game. Unfortunately, Kachihi was left in the dark for most of his life, so his mentality could be likened to that of a five year old's. "I hate sounding stupid, but...How do you play this game, again?" Complete and utter silence. Kachihi felt like getting out of there to prevent himself from digging deeper, though he had a duty. "Kachihi..." Fumiko sounded exasperated despite this being only a small display of Kachihi's ignorance of things other people would know. "It's Hangman." "That's right~" Mu walked over to the gallows. "This is Hangman~ It's a simple little game~ I think of something and I give you a hint, You have to guess the letters, and each time you guess wrong, a body part of a person becomes attached to the gallows~ When the entire body is attached to the gallows, you lose~" Kachihi began to sweat. "U-Uh..." He was still confused as hell. "Um, I'm guessing," Several options ran in his head. "...Alright, start." "Alright sweeties~" She waved her hand to the blackboard. "It's a popular book series, and there are 35 letters, counting punctuation but not spaces~ I'll let Kachihi-kun start~" Kachihi applied his palm to his forehead in exasperation and nervousness. "Why me...?" They were royally screwed in the behind. Kachihi had little to no experience with games, and he had very little patience for complex puzzles. "Does it start with an 'The'?" "Oooooh, a smart little baby~" Mu smiled. "It doesn't start with "the", but "the" is in the title~ Being the nice girl I am, I will give you all a sporting chance~" "Yes!!" Fumiko grinned. "Three letters off the bat!" "Would you like to go next~?" Mu asked, looking at Fumiko. "Sure, why not?" Fumiko looked at the available spaces. "Is there a "w"?" Mu imitated a buzzing noise. "Sorry sweetie, dead wrong, dead wrong~ So, now, the head hangs~" She waved her hand, and connected to the rope of the gallows. His feminine shriek echoed throughout the chamber as he saw his body standing there headless. This was it! Kachihi remembered something from his childhood. "Yeah, when I bullshit stuff, I'm a liar, but when M what's-his-face does it he's your favourite writer." He recalled it all. "Hm, is it M...? Which is the first letter of the title?" "Bzzzzzzzt~ Wrong again~" Mu waved her hand, and Rika's torso vanished from his body, attaching itself to his head. "U-Um...what happens when my entire body is attached?" He asked nervously. "A quick drop with sudden stop~" Mu said, sweet as can be. "Your turn~" She was speaking to Fumiko. "B?" Fumiko suggested nervously. "Sorry sweetie, a letter or two off from a correct guess~" Rika's right arm was attached now. He looked like he wanted to cry. "Is the first word 'Harry'?" Kachihi asked completely calm. "Ooooh, topnotch guess~" Mu wrote the name on the board as Rika breathed a sigh of happiness and relief. "It's fun to see people pull things out of the trash heap like this~" "My turn!" Fumiko jumped at his chance. "How about...O?" "Brilliant~ Kachihi~?" "Hm," Kachihi placed his finger to his cheek in thought. "Would there be several 'ts in the title?" He inquired. Mu threw him a doggy treat. "You're getting there, very nice~" "Any n's?" "You seem to be winning~" For someone who was losing, she didn't sound mad at all. Kachihi was sure of it. They'd definitely win. However, whenever he was sure of himself, it was bound to go horribly wrong. "Is there a 'p' in the title somewhere?" "Getting there, getting there~ Strange, you seemed like the stupid type~" "Any s's?" "Bingo~" Kachihi answered once again, "There's a multitude of 'e' in there, right?" "Any r's?" "Hm," Kachihi was beginning to think this was a walk in the park. "There's c's and a's, right?" The blonde streak in his hair fidgeted around as the azure eye showed its true scheming colours. "Too easy~" "Since Kachihi is doing so well, why don't you kill it off~?" "Yeah, it's Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone." Kachihi declared, surpressing Nika from shouting a non-sequitir. Hell, he'd never even read that book, let alone even touched a book. "And we have a winner~" Mu cheered, as the title "Harry Potter and the Socerer's Stone" fully was filled in. Rika's body parts that were attached to the gallows materialized back onto his body, where was was nearly shaking for a moment, before, in a surprise move to everyone present with the possibility of Nika, who was not often taken by surprise, and Mu, who just didn't give two cents, he kissed Kachihi. "T-thank you Kachihi..." He broke off, his face rather red now, but it was clear he was still shaken over the whole "about to die" situation. Due to this, Fumiko refrained from killing him at this moment. Kachihi's cheeks became a flushed red, as he was reduced to stuttering, "U-Uh, it's no problem, honestly..." He scratched his head, stull flustered. Gazing aside, Fumiko looked like he was about to go all Rambo on Rika's ass. This wasn't a good sign, not at all. He felt as if he needed to escape, dash away as fast as he could. Either him or Rika. The devil woman responded, "Now, wait until your father hears of this~" Fumiko was eyeing Rika for a moment, deciding whether or not he should attack. But then a thought struck him. Sharing Kachihi with the innocent Rika could possibly be fun. He'd have to look into that later. "Well, that was rather cute~" Mu said as they began to move again. "So, while I decide the next game, tell me, have you been enjoying our playtime~?" She winked playfully, her pink spiral locks bouncing. "It's paaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaink! Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeel it!" Nika screamed out of Kachihi's body, making it appear as if the Mototsu-Seishin-Nightwalker hybrid had gone bonkers. He covered his mouth in surprise, as he could hear the devil woman's cacaphonic laugh resound inside of his body. "U-Uh, nothing..." Rika and Fumiko both turned to look at Kachihi, simultaneously uttering the words of concern. "Are you feeling alright Kachihi?" Kachihi sighed, unsure if he appeared like he belonged in a loony bin. "Y-Yeah...Just feeling as if I'm possessed." While it was a metaphor, he meant it literally. "Alright, one more game to go I think. So, don't screw this up." Ironic that he was the one to screw up their first game. Fumiko whistled innocently. It was rather his fault that Rika had nearly died in the last game. Rika himself decided he wanted to keep as close to Kachihi as possible. He felt safer somehow. They stopped again, lights switched on, revealing a massive forest. "And now the final game~" Mu smiled. "I'm not at all surprised you managed to get this far~ But if you call can't win this game, I get three pretty new faces~ Who wants guess at what the game is~?" Kachihi pressed his fingertips to his forehead, deep in thought when it wasn't needed. "Hide and seek...?" "Well, I prefer to call it "Hide-and-pray-I-don't-find-you~" She replied, smiling at Kachihi. "But you're a smart sweetie~ So, to tell you the rules~ You all will hide~ Gotta hide well, don't wanna reveal yourself to me~ I go find you~ When I do, all I need to do is grab you and you lose~ When I find you, you can attack or run, I don't care~" Her eyes narrowed, and a truly malicious aura escaped from her body. "Run~" Without any hesitation, Kachihi ran for his life, leaping over multiple obstacles to find a secure hiding spot. He could barely breathe, as if his mind was slipped. The devil woman remained silent, as he barely clung on. Rika and Fumiko wanted to follow Kachihi, but he was too fast, so they split up, running through the forest. Mu's dark aura was following through the area. "Sweeties, have you hidden~?" She was telepathically speaking to them at large. "Merely think, I'll hear you~" Kachihi had to cease all movement, all thought. Become a hollow shell. It was if he became a statue, as the devil woman thought to herself, "Hmm~ I'll dirvert my own presence away from you so she thinks there's two of you~" Without any hesitation, Nika leapt out of Kachihi's body and ran to parts unknown, carrying a similar signature to that of the Mototsu-Seishin-Nightwalker hybrid. "Since you are boys, while you're waiting to be found, you could do that thing boys can do~" Rika blushed from his own hiding place inside a tree. A vulgar woman. Kachihi payed no attention, though such a thought almost made him break silence. Meanwhile, that damn devil woman was off synching everybody's spiritual traces to make them all similar to Kachihi's. "Seems someone is spinning a thread for me~" Mu broadcasted this thought out as well. "Well I've given you enough time~ Ready or not here I come~" Kachihi began to sweat. His capture was inevitable. However, unbeknownst to him it seemed that he had duplicated himself and was hiding in four other locations; like he was cloned to the fourth degree. The devil woman smirked, as she faded back into his body, remaining silent. "...Score!" That was all the incentive 'Kachihi Amagase' needed. One strike. Light amassed upon 'his' palm, which expanded and converged, transforming into 'his' weapon, a jagged broadsword. Acting rather over-enthuastic, the 'Mototsu-Seishin-Nightwalker hybrid' leapt out of the blue, searching around frantically like a 'madman' for the woman. "And it appears I get you first~" Mu appeared next to Kachihi, slamming her fist into his face, sending him into a few trees. She was wielding a ten foot long sword, an ōdachi. "Ready to have a little fun with me~?" 'Kachihi's' body contorted and withered, before detonating in a crimson explosion of reishi. As the dust settled, an all too familiar figure stood in front of Mu. Though she looked 14 years old, she was much older than that, sporting blonde hair that reached down to her feet; with her bangs hanging down to her breasts, a red bow at the back of her hair, and a barrette holding the rest of her hair into a long ponytail. She had soft blue eyes that are deceptive of her true nature; and sharp canines. She wore a long, flowing pink dress with various patterns on it; as well as long, white gloves that reach up to her elbows. She also wore sandals. She had large breasts, and wide hips. The devil woman uttered, "Control, Vectoriales." With that phrase, pink reiatsu welled up inside of the devil woman's body, before shooting up into the sky. Extending her arms out to her sides, the pink reiatsu configured itself into a sort of rain as it shot down, pelting down around the woman. As the droplets surrounded her body, they spread out and hardened, taking the form of six pitch-black mechanical wings with several rotating gears and pistons that float behind the devil woman's back. The female Tenjōgekido's soft, emerald eyes became a fierce, piercing red, and cross-shaped slits appeared where her pupils would be. A confident smirk formed upon Nika's face, as she declared, "Now, let's make a show of this~!" "Oho, a fourth player~" Mu smiled, utterly elated. "You want to play as well, sweetie~?" She raised her sword. "Such a pretty face~ If I'm lucky, maybe I'll take it~" She dashed forward, extending her sword when she was eight feet away from Nika, the ten foot long sword making up for the two foot gap. Nika's smirk evolved into a grin, as the thin field of spiritual energy completely deflected Mu's blade. In an instant, a *BOOM!* sound echoed through the area, as the devil woman appeared some few meters away from Mu. Nika sneered as she spread her arms wide up into the night sky. In the next instant, the wind flowing through the area focused on one point. It was a point one hundred meters above Nika's head. When the raging wind gathered there, a bright white light appeared as if from naught. It was plasma. That light swallowed up the surrounding air and immediately grew to have a radius of twenty meters. The surrounding darkness was annihilated by the pure white light. The heat of ten thousand degrees caused a burning pain on Kachihi's skin. That was not an attack that a normal being could defend against. There was no way a body of any sort could do anything about that mass, even if Mu managed to deflect it, there was nothing to stop Nika from compressing the wind vectors to form plasma once again. Quickly, the devil woman, with a single command, launched the plasma at Mu with tremendous speed and force, incinerating all it touched while travelling towards her. The plasma made contact with Mu and ripped through her stomach, leaving a gaping whole there. She hit the ground...and within five seconds, was standing back up, looking down at the hole in her body. "Ooooh, that smarts~" Instead of dripping blood or anything, there was a shadowy haze stemming from her wound, and it healed itself over. "I think you can give me a challenge~" She vanished, appearing behind Nika instantly, swinging her blade up at the girl's head. "I'll take that head of yours, I can remove the face at my leisure~" Nika clicked her tongue, as Vectoriales deflected Mu's blow once again. "Looks like it's time for the big one~" Leaping back, Nika thrust her hand into the nearest tree. Due to vector control, it appeared as if her arm had merged with it. As Nika screamed to the point of blood coming out from her throat, she swifty swung her arm that was buried in the tree in Mu's direction. In an instant, Nika converged together and controlled all the vectors. A *BOOM* echoed throughout the area. In that instant, the Earth's rotation slowed down by about five minutes. Her arm, having taken away the enormous energy of the Earth's rotation, converted it via vector control into a single demonic attack, dragging that energy into Soul Society. The forcibly gouged-out tree was blown away at a horrifying velocity. The vicinity and area that served as an obstructing space between her and Mu were being destroyed as if they were waste paper, as the tree shot forward at sub-light speeds, aiming to turn Mu's face, and by extension body into paste. The three ripped through her head, destroying it and much of the body under it as were Nika's intentions. However, the now shadowy mist stemmed from her body, reforming it easily. "Nothing is gonna taste right~" She whistled. "By the way, as unfun as it is to admit, you technically won the game for the sweeties~" She smiled, her eyes narrowed dangerously. "While I have no visible wounds as proof, your attacks did make contact and destroy me~ Do you want to continue to play~? Or will you leave now, with your friends~?" Nika stopped what she was doing. Beating down someone was only fun for a while, then it quickly lost its value. The wind felt almost abnormal, as the devil woman's body began to fade, returning to its spectral form. Even if it was for a few minutes, using all of that power was almost lethal. "We've won~" Her appearance on the physical plane of Soul Society was born from Kachihi's heritage and its link to his reiatsu. As long as that person never forgot her, the person who gave her a soul, she would be immortal. The devil woman gave Mu a smile, acknowledging her as a worthy adversary. "Let's go~ I was the cause of that girl's descent into madness~ It's my job to snap her back to her senses~" Without another word, Nika Kazoraem, aka Arazomekanki faded into reishi particles, merging back with Kachihi. Kachihi Amagase was utterly confused at what had occured. Yet at the same time he was amazed and impressed at the devil woman's absolute power. He thought to himself, "...It's just like mum said. I could only aspire to gain that sort of power." as he lamented his own weakness compared to the 'heroes' of the previous generation. He quickly left his place of hiding, wandering out into the clearing with a relieved yet still terrified look, asking, "So we're free to go? ...Tch. How do we get out, exactly?" Of course, he had to check for Fumiko and Rika, as he was obviously concerned about their wellbeing and whereabouts. Mu waved her hands, and they began to rise, rising up until they hit the main living area, where Rika and Fumiko suddenly found themselves. "You exit through the door~" She said, smiling. "Kachihi, was it~? You have a fun woman backing you~ Keep her close~ Also, if you don't mind my suggestion, entertain Rika's thoughts of love~ Its never a bad idea to start a loyal harem~" She chuckled. She was strange. First she tried to kill them, now she offered love advice. Her fingertip glowed and she placed it on Kachihi's forehead. A beam of light spread from him to Fumiko to Rika. "I've taken an interest in all of you and I want to see how far you will go~ Trust me, I'll never be far~" This wasn't good. This wasn't good at all. Mu Nanimonai had become to Kachihi Amagase what Nika Kazoraem was to Gai Nagareboshi. Kachihi feared for his safety, as he didn't want to be trolled to hell and back by this...nothing woman. He applied his palm to his forehead in exasperation, as he uttered under his breath, "...Such misfortune." Hopefully she wouldn't pester him 24/7. The blonde lock in Kachihi's hair remained, as did his azure eye, showing that Nika was still merged with his soul. Of course, that wasn't the issue here. What was this beam of light, exactly? Kachihi asked, "...Hey. What did you do just now, by the way?" "It's me marking you as mine~" She smiled and Hell was it offsetting. "Simply know I'll be around~ I am Mu Nanimonai, the Face Stealer~" She faded away and her voice echoed. "Rika, Fumiko, share him well~" Kachihi didn't know whether to take her advice to heart. He was scared as hell that Fumiko would kick Rika's ass; something he didn't want to get blamed for. Though he thought to himself, "...I'll see what I can do about it. I'll sit down and talk to 'em about it after we're done here." It ran in the family, after all. In his mind, he could hear that devil woman incessantly chanting, "Do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it do it~" over and over again. Argh, she was beginning to become a royal pain in the ass. Straightening up and regaining his composure, the Mototsu-Seishin-Nightwalker hybrid declared, "Alright, let's carry on if nothing happened." It suddenly dawned upon him. He didn't know where to go. "...Dammit. Directions, gotta get 'em..." "Before we do go on..." Rika murmured. He looked at Fumiko. "W-would you consider sharing Kachihi with me?" He looked extremely nervous, and Fumiko couldn't help but find it endearing. "Um...I dunno...let's talk about this after we get all this done?" Rika frowned. He'd wanted an answer now, but, they did have a job to do.