  • Nice Mice
  • Unlike rats, mice are often portrayed as nice and heroic even though they are common household pests. Being very small and cute, yet traditionally wild, the mouse is an animal often used as a metaphor for someone easily underestimated. Thus, mouse characters and humanoid mouse races tent to be heroic and really good people, yet easily underestimated. In many works, this last trait is something they have grown to deeply resent. It's hard to demand respect from someone when you can't even reach his knees and your voice is very squeaky - no matter how brave you are. Examples:
  • Unlike rats, mice are often portrayed as nice and heroic even though they are common household pests. Being very small and cute, yet traditionally wild, the mouse is an animal often used as a metaphor for someone easily underestimated. Thus, mouse characters and humanoid mouse races tent to be heroic and really good people, yet easily underestimated. In many works, this last trait is something they have grown to deeply resent. It's hard to demand respect from someone when you can't even reach his knees and your voice is very squeaky - no matter how brave you are. These mice characters designed to be likable one way or another. Some are heroic, some are nice, and some are both. Contrast You Dirty Rat for rodents, specifically rats, who are portrayed as disgusting and maybe carriers of literal or metaphorical disease. Examples: